Uncool Thor

488 22 30

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

Well, as I predicted, the variant tried to trick us.

We still haven't found C-20, but we found plenty of our Minutemen's bodies.

Linda was waiting outside with Loki while Mobius and I went to talk to Ravonna.


"Is it just me or does this office just keep getting better and better?" I asked as Mobius and I sat on one of the couches in the room.

The walls were lined with shelves filled with items from various assignments. Rollerblades, swords, you name it, it was there on a shelf.

Needless to say, Ravonna's office was much better than the cubicles that we were forced to use.

And it's not like we live in our cubicles. There are living quarters in the west wing of the TVA, but they aren't exactly luxury apartments either.

Ravonna grabbed a liquor bottle from behind her desk and walked to us with the bottle opener.

"You know, I'm looking around here, and I don't remember bringing some of this stuff in for you," Mobius stated as she popped open the bottle.

"Well, you aren't the only analyst working for me." She answered him bluntly.

"But, would you say I'm your favorite one?" He pressed, giving her a cheeky smile.

"And by the way, why do you get to keep all the stuff from our assignments?" I added, inserting myself into the conversation.

"Because I approve the missions." She said simply, handing us two glasses.

"Good point," Mobius mumbled beside me.

"Speaking of which, let's talk about the one you two just botched."

I groaned, not wanting to deal with this right now.

"The variant is 'insubordinate, stubborn, unpredictable.' Sounds like some people I know." She said, sitting down on the couch opposite to us and reading a file.

Mobius set his drink down on the table, sparking her attention.

He's a goner.

"Mobius," She started.

"What? Those rings were already there." He waved her off.

"And they're all from you!"

"Maybe it's from your other favorite analyst." He put his drink on a coaster. "Listen, Ravonna. I'm sorry. I realize that our, you know, our methods with this Loki are controversial, but-"

"Towing a dangerous variant into the field is controversial."

First, I don't know where she's getting this file from, but Loki is not dangerous! He's not...he's not...

"Yeah, it didn't go exactly the way we wanted today, but here's what we did find out. The variant likes to stall for time, and eventually, we'll catch the other one doing the same thing because understanding this Loki helps us get closer to the one we're chasing. Right?"

"Look, I know you two have a soft spot for broken things." She sighed.

"No, we don't." He scoffed.

"Yes, you do. But Loki is an evil, lying scourge-"

That's it!

"He's not!" I yelled, standing up, causing Mobius to flinch.

He isn't that! I've seen the way he is with Linda. Someone dangerous and evil wouldn't be that kind to a random five-year-old girl! I don't know why I feel this way about him, I just do. And I know for a fact that he is a good man. How I know that, I'm not sure yet.

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