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~~~Sylvie's pov~~~

I watched as Catherine grabbed the pruning stick from the judge and roundhouse-kicked her in the face.

I feel so bad for her. She found out that everything had all been a lie, that she had forgotten her whole damn life, including her husband and daughter, who are now dead.

She's had a rough day.

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

I held the pruning stick to Renslayer's face, ready to strike.

"Do it." She urged.

Then I had second thoughts.

"No." I gave her a sick smile. "You're going to tell us everything."


We brought Renslayer to the courtroom and started to question her.

"Give me the Tempad," I demanded.

She dug through her pockets and handed it to me.

"Who's really behind the TVA?" Sylvie asked.

"I'm as in the dark as you are."

That's when I got a good look around the room.

"This is where you dragged me after you pruned Loki. And where you took Linda away from me. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you where you stand." I sneered, holding the pruning stick up to her neck.

"Loki and Linda aren't dead. Not yet, anyway."

I stopped and stared at her with glossy eyes. I can't tell if she's being honest.

The judge was playing her cards expertly.

"You mean I can get them back?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"It's complicated," She started.

"Then uncomplicate it for us."

If she was lying, I swore I was going to kill her.


Well, she wasn't entirely lying. But she was just stalling for time.

I still really want to kill her, though.

A group of minutemen burst in and Sylvie and I hid behind the judge's bench.

Only one thought echoed in my mind.

I can get them back.

"Sylvie? Catherine?" Renslayer called out to us. "Not thinking of going on the run again, are you? We know where you hide. Sooner or later, we'll catch you."

Sylvie and I stood up, holding our pruning sticks to our chests.

She self-pruned first.

"You're wrong, Ravonna. I would never hide. Not in apocalypses, not anywhere."

"And why would that be?" She asked.

"My glorious purpose. My family." Then I blacked out.

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