The Fight

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

"So, what's our move?" Mobius asked over the thunder when we had walked over.

While Sylvie explained how we would take the TVA down, I took Linda by the hand, leading her away from the group so that I could talk to her privately.

"Sweetie, you're going back to the TVA with Mobius. Your dad and I are going to put an end to all this." I said, kneeling on the charred grass in front of her.

I saw tears start to form in her eyes, and her breath quickened as she took in my words.

"No! I can't leave you guys! Not again!" She cried softly, shaking her head.

~~~Loki's pov~~~

Sylvie had only just finished laying out the plan when I noticed that Linda and Catherine were a few feet away. Upon closer inspection, I saw that Linda was upset, and I concluded that Catherine must have told her she was going back with Mobius.

This was the last thing I wanted to do, but after talking with Catherine, we realized it was too dangerous for her to stay with us.

She's been through so much. I couldn't bear to leave her after all that had happened, even though it was safer this way.

"Look, we'll be back before you know it." I knelt next to Catherine in front of her, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"You promise?" She looked at us with wide eyes, glossy from unshed tears.

"Yes. I promise." I smiled at her reassuringly before hugging her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

The likelihood of me being able to keep that promise wasn't high.

As soon as I pulled away, Catherine hugged her as well.

Quickly, I got up and walked over to Mobius.

"Keep her safe. Whatever happens." I told him, keeping my voice low so she couldn't hear.

He nodded, understanding what I meant.

"It's happening, guys." Younger me called us over to the edge of the hill. "The branch will be right out there." He said, pointing to an open field filled with various kinds of debris. Buildings, boats, cars, you name it, and the wreckage was out there.

"I'll give your regards to Renslayer," Mobius said to Catherine and me.

"Or kill her. Either is fine." She shrugged.

I like that plan.

He chuckled and turned to the variants of myself. "You boys want a ticket out of here?"

"What? No. We're staying here." Younger me answered.

Fine by me.

"Good luck to you all." He waved to us before walking away with Older me and the alligator.

A few seconds later, Mobius used the Tempad to open a time door back to the TVA.

It was time.

"Looks like you got away in the end after all." He shook his head as he turned to me.

"I always do," I smirked. "But, what will you do at the TVA?"

"Burn it to the ground. With the help of Linda, of course." He gestured to her. "Thanks for the spark."

I turned to Linda and saw that she was visibly shaking.

The look in her eyes told me how hard this was for her.

~~~Linda's pov~~~

"It's going to be okay." Mom and Dad hugged me for the second time, but it still wasn't enough.

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