Chapter 2

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French Court

Rosa POV:

The carriage comes to an stop. I can hear my lady's coming out of the carriage giggling and looking around. "King Edwards of England, Spain, Sweden, Poland and Ireland" said loud voice. My farther walks out of the carriage. "Queen Anne of  England, Spain, Sweden, Poland and Ireland" said the same voice. My father helped my mother out. " Empress of Rome,  England, Spain, Sweden, Poland and Ireland" said the voice again. My father helped me walked out. once I was out I was welcomed by a crowed and a warmth of the  weather. I thanked my father and went to greet my ladies. "Hello ladies" I said. They crusted and said "hello your highness". "How many time have I told you all to call me by my name" I said. "sorry Rosa" said Kira. she's the youngest one out of my ladies. " King Henry of France" Said an loud voice. me and and my ladies turn and see Henry walking out with his mistress Diane on his arm while his son Sebastian follow beside them. so the  Rumors are true poor Catharine. Speaking of the devil herself.  "Queen Catharine" Said the voice again. Catharine walks out with her head held high and walk with power. "Dauphine Francis and queen Mary of scots" Said the voice. I looked up to see Francis walking with a pretty girl next to him.  My mother and father walk forward to greet the royal family and I follow with my ladies behind me walking gracefully. The Henry and Catharine greet my parents before Turing to me. Catharine curtsied while Henry gave a small bow of respect. I nod my head in respond. I walk over to Francis and he bowed while Mary gave a small curtsied. " Hello Franny I missed you" I said to happily "I missed you too Rosie" Francis said using my childhood nickname. he gave me a hug and I hugged him back tightly. A throat cleared beside us and I let him go and turn to see Mary queen of scots. "hello Queen Mary" I said a little coldly. "hello Empress Rosa nice to meet you" she said with a fake smile on her face.  Before I could respond Catharine interrupt " Francis why don't you show Rosa her room while I show her parent's theirs" "sure mother Rosa lets go. We have a lot catching up to do" Francis said. "That we sure do My friend" I said. I started walking with Francis and my ladies follow a few step behind. 

 Francis show me and my ladies our rooms." Ladies' why don't you go explore while me and Francis talk for a while" I said to my lady's in waiting. They nodded their head and walked off excited to see the new palace. I turn around to see Francis smiling at me. " what are you smiling at?" I asked " A beautiful girl" he said. "Do you always flirt with all your childhood friends that comes to visit or am I just lucky?" I asked "Just you. Follow me I want to show you something" he said. Francis walked out of my room and I follow him. Were walking for few minutes I realized that were going to our childhood chambers that we used to share. "Francis what are we doing here?" I asked him. "shh" He said laughing a little. He took me to a room that had Knifes and swords. "wow you didn't bring me here to kill me did you?" I asked jokingly. "oh man I was hoping to catch you by surprise" he said  chuckling. "But Francis what is this place?" I asked. " I think that every man should have a skill. I know what you're thinking isn't becoming  king enough yes it is. I just want something to myself that wasn't given to me or inherit and  definitely can't be taking away" he said. " I think that is amazing" I said. "Really" he said. I went to hug him . we hug for about five minutes I was going to pull away we stop midway looking into each other eyes we were leaning in and a thoart cleared and I looked to see Mary standing there giving me a death glared.

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