Chapter 13

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French Court
Rosa POV

I woke up in Francis arm. I looked up at him looking at his perfect features. I raised my hand to play with his beautiful blonde hair. Then I moved my hand and started tracing his face all the way to his lips. I laid down just staring at him sleeping peacefully. Then the thoughts of what happened last night came back to me making me sign. A movement broke me out of my thoughts I looked up and saw Francis staring down on with his beautiful eyes. I just started into his eyes like I could get in them forever.

"Good morning beautiful" I heard Francis say.

" Good morning Love" I responded.

I sighed thinking about last night and wondering who could have want to hurt me liked that. I with peace with everyone none my countries want to hurt me. Then the thought of Mary came to mind. Could she have done this to get rid of me so she could have Francis and england.
Francis must have seen me thinking about it.

"Don't worry Rosie, we will find who was responsible and make them pay. Just relax and enjoy the each other present while we can" He said.

"Francis I can't it bother me so much that someone wants me dead and I can't help but think that's it's...... Nevermind" I said.

"Who do you think is responsible for this happen to you?" He asked.

"To be honest I don't know. I'm just sacred it's going to happen again and it's you it going to happen to I don't want to lose. I love you" I told him.

" I love you too and you won't lose me not yet at least" Francis said to reassure me.

"Okay" I said.
Looking up at Francis the memory's of what we did last night came rushing back and I couldn't help crash my lips to his. He was surprised for a second then he started kissing me. His hands to roam my body making me moan.

"I love to hear your sound love" he said.
He move the kisses to my neck while his hands finds my  breast and massage them drawing out a mother moan. Before we could continue we got interrupted.

"Queen Catherine" said the guard loudly.
I broke away from Francis and hid my body under the sheets just as Catherine walked in. Francis just chuckled.

"OH MY LORDS. Did you two have sex!!?"Catherine asked.

"What no we are not that stupid. we ... did other things. Why are you here" I asked with red cheeks.
Francis just let out a loud laugh.

"Just get dressed and come to breakfast we need to have a very serious discussion" she said sternly. She walked out.
I laid into the bed and laughed Francis soon join in.
" That was funny" he said.
"For you that was weird" I said with a chuckle.

Should I keep writing smut?

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