Chapter 14

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French court
Rosa POV

I'm getting ready to have breakfast with everyone My ladies were all over doing their task that giving to them. Francis left so I could get ready. As I was standing there looking into he mirror while Susie did my hair I started to think about last night about how someone tried to kill me. The fear I felt was something I never felt before but then I started thinking about Francis and how he helped me forget about it for awhile. I have a   feeling about who could do this but  I don't want to jump to conclusions. 

"You gotta stop thinking about what happened and focus and finding out who did this to you." Susie said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's just that I don't understand why someone would go through all that trouble just to rid of me." I said feeling overwhelmed with the thought.

"Well it's a good thing your Father had you trained when your younger. Trust me your going need it in the future." Susie said with a sign.

"Yeah I guess but do you think she would go this far to get rid of me?" I asked.

Susie looked at me and said
" I don't know you never know with these people."

Skip to breakfast

I walked into the hall seeing everyone there waiting for me. I give a small crusty to Henry and Catherine.
I took my seat next Francis.

"Are you okay?" He asked

I just nodded my head not really wanting to talk.

"I have to keep my head up high, whoever did this is going to suffer"  I thought to myself.

The rest of the breakfast nobody said anything. Francis did try to make conversation but I was not in the mood.

Time skip

I'm walking through the gardens with my ladies behind.

I was just aimlessly looking at the flowers think of what I could do to find out who tired to hurt me.

"Empress Rosa is it okay if we can speak for a moment?" I heard a voice say.
I looked to my side to see Mary.

"Queen Mary what can I do for you today?" I did with a bitter voice.

"May we speak in private?" She asked looking me dead in the eyes.

" ladies will you give us a few minute's" I told my ladies.
I watched as the crusty before walking off.

"I'm just going to come out straight with it, I want you to stay away from Francis" she said with an angry sound to her voice.

" You don't need France but my country does, wait why am I asking I'm telling you Francis is engaged to me not to you so I would love for you to stay away from him" she said with a sickly sweet voice.

I started at her for a couple of seconds before my hands connected with her cheeks.
I hit her across the face once more before speaking.

" I am an empress  and I will be treated with the respect that is supposed to be given and Francis is not yours to say he's yours. Mary I think I should teach you a lesson it looks like being stuck at Covent really didn't help you" I said with an calm voice scaring her a bit.

I turned around and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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