chapter 11

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French court
Rosa POV

"I have called you all here because I have an announcement" King Henry said.

"Will Dauphin Francis and Empress Rosa come to the front. Now!" Henry said loudly.

I looked over at Francis with an confused face. He walked over to me and grabbed my hands and guide me to stand next to him in front of everyone.

"King Henry what is the meaning of this?" I asked a little agitated.

"I king Henry propose an marriage alliance with France to Queen of Italy, Ireland, Poland and Sweden. Princess of Spain and Empress of Rome Rosa Victoria Lynda Tudor." Henry said.
I stood shock as everyone else let gasps out at what the king said. I looked to Francis he looked as equally shocked as I am.

" NO THAT CAN NOT HAPPEN!!" I heard Queen Mary yells.
" Why is that?" Surprisingly Queen Catherine said.
I looked over to her and give her a look to stop.

"Because France has an marriage alliance with Scotland" Mary said with her voiced laced with angry.
" Yes but an alliance with Empress Rosa would be more beneficial for france" said Catherine.

Mary walked up to me.
" This is all your fault!" Mary whispered out she stormed by me with her ladies following.

" King Henry I think this something we should discuss in private. We can meet in the garden at noon" I said.
" Then it settle we shall talk tomorrow at noon" said king Henry.

I gave a small curtsy and walked out the throne room with a lot of emotions going through me happiness and confusion.

As I was walking I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Mary.
"Queen Mary, how can I help you?" I asked with a smile on my face.
" You are not going to get away with this" she said very angrily.
"Get away with what?" I asked mockingly.
* You stole my fiance!! " She yelled very loudly.
" Let's get this straight Queen Mary first watch the way you speak to me I can steal your Thorne from under your feet  in seconds, second I didn't steal anything it quite obvious that king Henry see me better fit to be the Dauphin wife than you so don't blame me for your misfortune this is your last warning do not try to cross me. Goodbye I have somewhere to be" I said trying not to lose my self control.

I walked into my chamber and I saw Francis standing smiling aty portrait. I sand for a second admire him and calming me self. I walked forward and called his name. He turned around and smiled at me.
" Rosa it really happening" he said happily.
I put my arms around his neck.
"All our dreams are coming true" I said smiling at him. He leaned forward and kisses me and I couldn't help but kiss him back with a lot of passion. He started to move the kisses to my jaw and down to my neck finding my sweet spot making me moan out.
" I love those sound you make" Francis said in a whisper. He continued to kiss me which turned in to a make out. He trapped me by waist and pushed me over to the bed and laid on top of me. He let go of my lips and and looked down on me. " I love you so much and I can't wait to marry you  mon amour" he said smiling at me.
" Me too mon prince" I said smiling at he going to kiss him again. He moved to open my clothes but I stopped him.
" As much as I love to we can't risk it" I said to him.
"Don't worry I will just pleasure you" he said smirking at me. He lift up the skirt of my dress and took of my under garments he took his finger and rubbed my cilt over and over. I started moaning to this amazing feeling. " Francis move faster"  I moaned out.
Francis started moving faster and after a while my lower abdomen started to feel weird.
" Francis I feel weird" I said breathless.
" It supposed to feel like that" he said smiling at me. In a few seconds I let out the loudest moan every. After some time I calmed down.
" That felt amazing" I said to Francis.
" Glad you liked it now I must go see you soon mon amour" he said kissing me one last time before leaving.

Time skip
"Ladies get a bath running please?" I asked dmy ladies
After I took a bath my ladies helped me dress to go to bed and now I was laying in bed drifting to sleep. After a while I heard my door open. I ignored it because I thought I was being paranoid after a while I felt some one touching my hair.
" What pretty hair too bad I have to kill you" I heard someone say sound like a man voice. I heard foot step walking away. I grabbed an dagger that I always sleep with under my pillow holding onto it tight. The person walked up to my bed and the next second I know I drive the dagger in their neck. Blood spilled all over me and my bed sheets.

" GUARD'S!!"  I yelled.
I heard nothing.
I ran out of my room into the hall ways and saw no one I started running until I bumped into someone. I looked up see Francis.

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