chapter 7

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Rosa POV
French court

I walked into my chambers to see my lady's waiting for me.

"We need to make a plan to show Mary not to mess with me" I said as I walked in.
"What do you have in mind?" Asked Susie.
"We need to make her feel horrible about her self and look bad in front of everyone. And just to be Petty let's tell Francis about her plan to make him hate me. And if he doesn't believe me I can just ask bash to back me up because Lola was talking to him to get information on me. Don't worry bash didn't say anything." I told them.
"Kira is there any events coming up where there's going to be a bunch of people to embarrass Mary?" I asked.
"There should be a festival next two days" kira said.
" Two days that's not a lot of time but will do" I said.
" Okay lady's let's get busy we have a queen to embarrass." I stated.

Francis pov

" Francis, we have a problem!" I heard Bash say.
" What wrong Bash?" I stated tiredly.
" It Rosa and Mary." Bash said.
As he said those words I looked at him with a surprise look.
" What's wrong now did Rosa do something." I asked.
" No, but Mary is planning something. Lola told me their plan to get information out of me so they could use against her and Rosa over heard and might want to get revenge." He spoke fastly.
" WHAT?" I shouted.
"Guards Take me to queen Mary chambers please. " I tried saying calmly.
Ithe guard's walked me to queen Mary's chambers.
"Prince Francis" said the pager opening the door.
"Everyone out" I said out of my clench jaw.
Everyone quietly and quickly left the room.
"Francis what a-" mary said before I interrupted her.
" Why do you think it is okay to send your lady to talk to my brother to find out servers on Rosa to blackmail her." I stated with are that could kill anyone.
"Francis-" she tried again before I spoke.
"I will make this clear if you try anything to hurt her and see if I send my soldiers to help Scotland. So asks yourself which is more important your country or your pride and ego" I said angrily.
I walked out the chamber to check on Rosa in no doubt that she is planning something to get back at Mary.

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