Chapter 5

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Rosa POV

Francis is like the worst. I can't believe it. He thinks I would do that to someone. why would he think that of me. Does he really love Mary and lying to me. if Francis want me to forgive him, he is going to work for it. Until he makes it up to me, I'm going to ignore him and make sure he knows he hurt my feelings.

"Rosa, may I talk to you for a minute?" I heard someone from behind me. I turned around and saw Francis standing there. " Sorry Francis I can't talk right now, I'm in a hurry to meet my parents before they leave today". "Rosa it will take a minute," said Francis. "Rosa Lets go, your parents are waiting" said lady chole. "Sorry your highness I didn't see you there". said lady chole with a curtsy. "As you can see, I'm busy at the moment I will talk to you later at dinner" I said to Francis before walking away with chole at my side." or not" I said under my breath.

I walked outside to the courtyard where my parent's carriage is waiting to leave. "Mother I will see you soon, and I promise to try and find a good husband," I said. "Make us proud Rosa and we love you" My mother said. "Yes, we love you Rosa and we will see you soon". My father said. "I love you both very much" I said to my parent's. They both went into their carriage. I watched as the carriage's rode off.

Time skip

Rosa Pov

I was in my room reading a book when a knock disturbed me. "Come in" I said. The person walked in, and I looked up and saw Francis standing there with a sad look on his face. "What are you doing here?" I said coldly. "Rosa I am so sorry for what I said, can you please forgive me?" Francis begged. " uh" I scoffed. "You want me to forgive you after that even after what happened to my mother, and you said that to me". I said upset with him being here. "Rosa-" He try to say before I cut him off. " Francis please leave me alone I do not want to talk to you right now" I said having enough of this conversation. "Okay" he said looking down.

The next Morning

Francis POV

"Okay put the flowers over there" I said to a servant. "Bash, do you think this is going to work, I mean she is pretty upset with me?" I said to my half-brother. "Only time will tell" he said. "Okay, you know what to do?" I asked him. "Yes, go to Rosa and tell her that Catherine wants to meet her in the garden to talk about something important" he repeated. "Good now go, I'll wait over there in the bush hiding" I said.

Rosa POV

"Hello Rosa, Catherine wants to see you in the garden," said bash. "Oh well, thank you Bash" I said to him. I walked to the garden lifting up my dress on my way there. Once I reached the garden there was a beautiful picnic set up. I looked around hoping to see Catherine only to see Francis standing there. "Francis what is all of this?" I asked him confused. "This is how I'm saying sorry, I know it not much, but I remember from when were kids that you loved picnic, so I went for this I hope you like it" he said. "Francis this is lovely, but it will take time for me to forgive you but this a good start." I said to him. "That's fine as long as we're making progress, come set I had the cook make your favorite" he said to me. I sat and smiled at him. For the rest of the evening was telling stories of the past and laughing.

Third person POV

Unknown to Rosa and Francis upon on the balcony stood Mary watching with a scowl on her face. "I have to find a way to make Francis love me or I'm going lose my country," said Mary.

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