Chapter 4

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French court

Rosa POV:

"WHAT!!" I said when I heard the news. "is she okay, what happened?" I asked. "she doing okay lucky she woke up before the man could do any damage," king Herny said. "Okay let me get dressed and I will meet you all at breakfast," I said. Hiding under my cover so I don't show anything. Everyone left my room but Francis. "Francis, what are you still doing here?" I said to him. "Did you have anything with the attack on Mary?" He told me. I looked at Francis hurt and shocked that he implied I would do something so horrible. "Do you think that low of me ?" I asked hurt. Francis must have realized the look of hurt on my face. "no no I just....." He tried to say but I cut him off. " No please leave my room," I snarled at him. "Rosey.." he said using the childhood name for me he had. " Francis I'm not in the mood I must get ready for the day," I said coldly. He walked out with his head held down in regret. My ladies came in and helped me get ready for the day.

Rosa Dress

I walked into the dining room everyone was already seated

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I walked into the dining room everyone was already seated. I sat next to my mother as it was the only open seat. The servants walked out and serve us our breakfast. I said thank you. "Rosa we have to leave tomorrow something happened in Poland and me and your father or needed. you will stay here until you find a good suitor to be your husband with the help of Catherine" My mother said to me. "thank you mother I will send letters to you when I found a good suitor". I said. "Mary, how are you after that terrible accident last night?" I asked generally worried. I might not like her because she is marrying Francis but that doesn't mean I would wish this upon someone. " I'm okay just a little shaken," She said. "I nod my head.

Francis POV

I walked out of Rosa's room with regret in my eyes.

Why would I think she would do this to Mary? The look on her face made me mad at myself because I hurt her. I have to make it up to her in some way. I can not have her mad at me. When rosa is mad at you it's a nightmare. I have to think of a way to make her forgive me fast. But if rosa didn't order the attack on mary who did?

"Hey bash I need your help me make Rosa forgive me," I said to my half-brother bash. " What did you do now?"He said to me. " I might of ask if she set the attack to happen on Mary?" I said nervously. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Bash yelled at me. " I'm sorry it just came to mind and I just said it. can you help me or not?"I said to him. "Fine," He said.

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