Chapter 12

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French court
Rosa POV

"Rosa shhhh, calm down and tell me what happened. Okay." Francis said calmly while gently brushing my hair with his hand.

"Okay, okay." I said.
"I was going to go bed and then I heard my chambers doors open I thought I was paranoid but then I heard footsteps and someone say you have pretty hair too bad I have to kill you and then I went for my Dagger and stab him and I called for the guards but no one was there so I ran looking for help and here I am." I explained slight shaking in his arms.

"What is going on here?" I asked someone.
I looked up and saw Catherine. Before I could say anything Francis beat me to it.
"Mother call for an audience in the Thorne room now!" Francis started angrily.
"Francis what happened and why is Rosa covered in blood" Catherine asked concerned.
" Mother please everything will be explained, just do as I asked please!" Francis said.
Catherine nodded her head and walked away.

A few minutes later

"Why are we here?" I asked an annoyed Mary.
I stepped forward.
"Someone in this castle send a assassin to my chambers lucky I was able to defend myself.". I said with a lot of power.
Gasp filled the room.
" I do not know where this attack came from, but when I do find out  you will lose your heads." I said with anger in my voice.

Francis must have saw that I was getting worked up and grabbed my arm to calm me.

" For now their will be an investigation in the morning the castle be on lockdown!" Said the king.
"Everyone dismissed" Everyone left.
It was just me, Francis, Henry, Catherine, and Mary with her ladies along with mine.

"Where will I sleep, their is still a dead man in my chambers." I said a little worried.

" Don't worry Rosa you can sleep with me." Francis offered.
I smiled at him but before I could answer Mary did.

" You can't sleep in his chambers your both unmarried and we don't want anything to happen." She said.
I looked to Henry.
"Your Majesty would mind if I sleep in MY FIANCEE chambers until I  can get a new one? I asked empathizing my fiancee.
" Sure it's one night what the worst that can happen." He said.
" Rosa let's go you must be tired." Francis said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Goodnight everyone" I said.
I bowed to Henry and Catherine and stand outside the throne room waiting for Francis.
Five minutes later he came out.
"Is everything okay?" He asked.
" I almost got murdered and don't know if it's going to happen again so I'm doing good." I said sarcastically.
" It's going to be okay let's get to bed." He said.

Time skip
I am in Francis bed looking up on the ceiling wondering who could have done this.
" Staring into space is not going to solve all your problems you know." Francis said.
" Well I don't have a distraction." I said.
" I could distract you?" He said.
" And how would you do that?" I said. Turning my. Head to look at him. Staring into his beautiful eyes I could get lost in.
"Like this" he said.
Next thing I know Francis is on top of me kissing me going down to my neck.


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