Chapter 9

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Queen Elizabeth
English Court

" I'm sorry you're dying , your majesty" said the doctor to me.
" Okay I have to make someone my heir soon" I said.
" Bring in my council" I siad in an demanding tone.
" Yes your majesty" said the doctor.
My council walked in.
" As you might have heard I am dying and I want you to witness who I choose to be my heir. I would like to chose my second cousin daughter Queen of Italy, Ireland, Poland and Sweden. Princess of Spain and Empress of Rome Rosa Victoria Lynda Tudor. She has a lot of power and would make a great queen. If you disagree please stay so now are forever hold your silence" I siad strongly.
No one said anything for a while.
" I think I speak for everyone that she would make a great queen hopefully our people would think so too. Your majesty" said a man on my council then it's done send word to her. she is at the french court" I siad cough up blood.

(This was one week ago)

Rosa POV
French Court

It was around dinner time my ladies helped me put on a new dress. A maid knocked on my door and told me it was time for dinner. We made our way to dinner and sat done while my ladies left. Francis, Mary Catherine and Henry was all at the table.

" Good evening everyone!" I said excitedly.
"Hello Rosa" Francis said.
I got a small hello from Mary and good evening from Catherine and Henry busy talking about something. Bash and his mother walked in and sat at the table. The food was served and no one was talking.
Then all of a sudden a pager walked in .
"your majesty's" he bowed to all of us
" What do you need" King Henry said.
" A letter came from England for Empress Rosa. Your majesty" he said hurriedly.
" Me?" I looked up from my food
" Give it to me" I said.
" Why would England send you a letter?" Asked Mary with a sacred voice.
" Guess we're about find out" I said curiously.

"Dear Empress Rosa I have some sad news, I'm dying".

" That means Mary can finally make a claim to the English throne and England will be mine" Henry said  interrupting me.
" I was not finish" I said a bit harshly.
" Me and my council feel like it will do good to my throne if you will be my heir and if you accept send a letter right away.
Your loving friend
Queen Elizabeth".

" Are you going to accept it?" Asked Francis.
" No she will not. Mary will make a claim and England will be mine. The English throne should not be in a little girl hands" said henry angrily.
I looked at Henry for a few seconds.
" I was not going to accept but since I'm a little girl then I will and Henry watch the way you speak to me, don't forget at the snap of this little girl finger I can have your head. Now excuse me I have a throne to claim" I said angrily.
With that I get up and went to my Chambers to write a letter to Elizabeth.

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