Chapter 3

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French court
Rosa POV
"I have to go and get ready for Charlotte wedding, I'll see you later Francis" I said. "Save me a dance will you?" Francis said to me. " Of course goodbye Francis... Mary" I said before I walked out of our childhood chambers. " What was she doing in here?" I heard Mary said. I walked off before I heard the rest. I walked pass a guard and ask him to find my ladies and to tell them to come to my chambers.

Francis POV
"What was she doing in here with you?" Mary said to me. "I was showing her something and you have no right to question me in my own court" I said getting annoyed. "Is she your whore?" Mary asked shocked. " Don't you dare say that about her. She is an Empress and could have your head. Mary your my friend here's some advice, you want to save your country try not to get on the bad side of Rosa and her parents they could take your crown without trying be careful. You might already be on here parents bad side because you have a claim to the English thrown. If you excuse me I must go and get ready" I said to Mary.
Mary POV
" What am I going to do? I need this alliance with France to go well. Hopefully king Henry make Francis marry me. I need to find a way to make Francis hate Rosa"

Rosa POV
My ladies walked in my chambers. They all curtsy to me. " Ladies how many time do I have to tell you don't have to curtsy to me, I'm your friend". "Yes we  know Rosa but we can't help it" said lady chole. " Well here are your task lady kira make my bath, lady chole get materials for my make up, and lady Susie please chose my gown, shoes, and crown please" I told my ladies. After my bath an make up are finish I get dressed and put on my crown.

 After my bath an make up are finish I get dressed and put on my crown

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Time skip to the celebration

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Time skip to the celebration

Rosa POV
Charlotte just got married the wedding was beautiful full. Even though it was arranged marriage Charlotte looked really happy. I'm happy for her. I hoped someday I could live but it doesn't work like that for Royal's. Mary and her ladies finished dancing. My ladies dragged me on the dance floor and we start doing a Sweden dance feather fall from the roof. I start thinking about the three years I spent here. " May I have this dance?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Francis. "You may" I said. After that Francis an I danced all night together remembering all the troubles we used to caused. 
Time skip to morning.
Rosa POV
"Rosa are you okay?" I heard someone yell. I woke up and looked around. My parents apparently along with Francis, his parents and two guards barged into my room. " What is the meaning of this?" I yelled in anger. " Oh my sweet baby your okay" said my mom rushing to hug me. " Yes  fine why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "Mary was assaulted last night. We wanted to make sure you were safe" said Francis. "WHAT!!" I said.

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