Chapter 6

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Mary pov

"I have to find a way to ruin their friendship so Francis will focus on me and we can get married and save my country" siad Mary pacing back and forth in her room.

"Well what can we do to help?" Asked Lola.
"We need to make a way for Francis to hate Rosa.
"How would we do that Francis adore Rosa nothing will every make them upset with each other." Said greer.

"Your right greer. Lola your getting close with bash right?" Asked Mary.

" Yes but what does that have to do with anything we're talking about?" Asked Lola.

"Maybe bash has something we could use against Rosa." Said Mary.

" I don't know bas seems close Rosa too but I can try." Said Lola unsure.
"Okay go." Said Mary.

Lola left the room to find Bash.
"You may all leave I need to think alone." Mary stated to the rest of her ladies.
Once everyone left Mary sat at her desk thinking what she can do to save her country.

Rosa POV
After spending some time with Francis in the garden I was making my way to my room when I was about to turn corner I saw something very interesting. Bash was speaking to Lola one of Mary ladies. I walked a bit closer to hear what their saying.

" How long have you known Rosa?" I heard Lola asked.
"Since we were kids when she came and visit with her mother. Why?" Bash asked.

Lola looked around making sure no one was listen and hid behind the wall before she could see. I peaked around the wall again

" You have to promise not to say anything to anyone about what I'm about to tell you."Lola said.

"That depends on what it is." Said bash. 
" Mary is trying to find a way to ruin the friendship between Rosa and Francis and she asked me to come to you for anything she could use." Lola said.
I gasped I had a feeling Mary didn't like me I didn't like her as well but she would go as far as ruining my friendship with Francis. Does Mary know what I could do to her for the gods I'm an  Empress I could have her head.

"What!! Are you crazy. Rosa is an Empress she could have all your head on a spike with the snap of her fingers and you want to ruin one of the most important friendship to her!!" Bash almost yelled.

"Shhhh DON'T BE SO LOUD." Siad Lola.
" I don't want to but Mary is my friend and queen I have to do this. Promise not to say a word." Said Lola.

"Lola I'm sorry I can't promise that but if you and Mary try something I won't hesitate to tell Francis about this." Said bash.
" Okay bye bash." Said Lola.

Lola walked away. I was about to sneak away when bash called my  name.

I slowly turned around "yes ?" U asked.
" How much of that did you hear?" Bash asked.
" All of it I stated. How did you know I was here?" I asked him.
" I saw your dress anyway what are you going to do about Mary plan." Bash asked. "I don't know yet but I know for fact she is not going to like it." I stated with a sour voice.
"Okay well it was good seeing you Rosa goodbye." Said bash with hint of fear in his voice.
I nodded and start walking back to my room. I found my ladies waiting for me

" I need a plan to teach Mary an lesson about messing with me." I said angrily.

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