The first evening

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Authors note-
As I said in the description, I haven't written in a while so this chapter really isn't the best. Bear with me though!! The more I write the better it'll get I promise (also sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes I'm sure are probably there)
The girls were sat in the great hall, it was their first evening of their 7th year, the welcome feast. They'd just sat through the hour long sorting ceremony having to whisper, which never did go down well for them. They'd received around a dozen disapproving looks from Professor McGonagall over their volume levels, all of which were met by fits of badly concealed laughter.

The hall was decorated more extravagantly than usual, as it always it on the first night, the ceiling beautifully enchanted with more stars than usual, candles lighting up the room in a warm glow, as the room was filled with excited chatter, the girls sat amongst it, decidedly less excited than the new first years.

Theirs was an odd little group, but a good one at that, consisting of two Gryffindors, a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin. Mary Macdonald, Marlene Mckinnon, Emmeline Vance and Dorcas Meadowes. 

Nevertheless, from the moment they met on the train in first year, they became inseparable. They were so unbelievably alike. All headstrong and stubborn, and widely outspoken. Funnily enough, everyone loved them.

Well, almost everyone. Everyone minus Lily Evans and basically the entirety of Slytherin. Though the Slytherins were not for the reasons you'd expect. Of course, their prejudice had certainly factored into it. Though their hatred was mostly under the influence of a certain group of purebloods.

You see, Dorcas Meadowes came from a very wealthy, very well known pureblood family. She'd grown up around the likes Evan Rosier and Regulus Black (and by extension Sirius too). Before Hogwarts, they had all been amazingly close, practically attached at the hip, but in their first year, something shifted. Everybody had gotten the basic idea of it, but Dorcas never spoke a word of situation. In fact, she'd steadfastly pretend she never even knew them in the first place, ignored them at all costs.

The girls knew not to ask about it. The topic was strictly off limits. Perhaps that's what made them so good. They understood each other so clearly.

To the left of the girls, sat the marauders. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Undeniably some of the most attractive boys in school. But they had always been part of the extended friend group. Of course, there was the unspoken between Sirius and Dorcas, but seen as neither of them spoke of it, it didn't act as much of a bonding point. Nonetheless, it was easy enough for anyone who knew them to tell that there was a relationship there. Just one that had been slightly worn out. One that was formed by experiences. They were two versions of the same story. They had both loved and lost the same people, both suffered in silence. They found comfort in that.

Other than those two, Marlene and Peter were childhood friends as well. They'd met when they were young, at a park in the village they lived in. Conveniently enough for them, they'd gotten to stay together all those years.  

To the right of them sat Lily Evans, Alice Fortescue and Amelia Bones- all bitches. Well save for Fortescue; nobody could deny how sweet she was, although she was completely surprising. Like the time it had gotten out that she'd had some sort of an affair with Narcissa Black, who had been a year older than them at the time. It was safe to say the girl kept to herself. 

However, Mary and Lily had always had a problem with each other. Nobody's ever been able to explain why, not really. Mary tells herself it's because of how cruel she is to James. Lily tells herself it's because Mary's too rude. But everyone knew it was something more, they just didn't know what, not even them.
Now, Mary and Marlene were back in their dorm. They had scared their former dorm mates away in 3rd year by fake sleep walking, even going so far as to make them believe they had been possessed. Luckily for them, those girls were extremely gullible, both of which found somewhere else and never looked back, now the two had the space all to themselves- though Mary's side was considerably cleaner than Marlene's. Posters were hung on all the walls, polaroid pictures of them and their friends, Gryffindor banners hung across the ceiling. 

It had actually been quite the state at first, the decor truthfully looked quite messy, but it had come together in the more recent years, with the help of some rugs and other furniture.  

Both girls had been trying to sleep for a while now, but their attempts were completely unsuccessful. They'd always had trouble sleeping on their first night back, even since first year. 

"Marls?" Mary whispered into the darkness of the room.

"Come here, dickhead." Marlene laughed.

Mary flung the covers off of her, jumping up and running over in an attempt to avoid the chill of the stone floor, crash landing face first onto Marlene's bed.

The two fell asleep almost instantly, preparing themselves for the chaos the first day of classes always held.

Authors note-
First chapters a short one, sorry! It's taking a while to get used to writing new character again. The next couple chapters should start getting better as I get more into the story :)

Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now