Spin the bottle

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Short chapter, but it moves the story along a decent amount so I think that makes up for it. Also I'm writing this at like 2 am so if it's terrible I apologise😭🫶


Everybody began filing around into an attempt of a circle, it truthfully being more of a wiggly rectangle. Lily and Mary sat together and the rest of the girls sat opposite. Alice had been pushed between Joseph Goyle and a very intoxicated looking Peter Pettigrew, and of course he was sat next to the boys.


"Whose go it it first?" Peter questioned.


Sirius began stumbling towards the bottle, secretly praying that it would land on one person in particular.

So as the bottle began to spin, his grin turned into more of a nervous smile.

Nobody really noticed this, apart from James of course. They knew each other like the back of their hands. Sirius turned to James looking for some reassurance, and it came in the form of James' arm around his shoulder. That was enough.

The bottle began slowing, and instead of it landing on the person he wanted, it landed on Amos Diggory. It could be worse... at least Diggory was fit.

Diggory seemingly very eager, he was already on his feet.

I mean let's be honest, who wouldn't want to kiss Sirius Black.

Amos, now kneeled in front of Sirius, leaned in and kissed him. Sirius, ever the cocky bastard, began kissing back with a smirk. Upping the intensity of the kiss. Because perhaps this was the way to get this certain someone's attention. If he hoes around, would it make them jealous?

The pair pulled away once they heard the cheers of the people surrounding them. James wrapped his arm around his best friend once again, pulling him further away from his former snogging partner, who's cheeks were now a deep shade of red.

Amos sat back down with his friends as Marlene began questioning Sirius about the matter.

"Bloody hell mate that was intense, don't think I've ever seen you snog someone like THAT" she whispered "you gonna have a new boyfriend by the end of term?"

Sirius' tone softened at this.

"God no Marls, he's not really my type."

He wasn't Remus.


"Lily it's your go now!" Peter pointed out.

"Oh um, alright."

Lily reached out towards the bottle, spinning it quite aggressively with a shakey hand. She found herself more nervous than usual tonight.

The bottle began slowing down before James, making Lily undoubtedly saddened. It wasn't even that she didn't like him as a person. It's that she felt bad stringing him along in situations like this. Of course, she hated the way he bothered her so much, but he wasn't a bad person.

But as luck would have it, the bottle kept spinning. And as it slowed to a stop, and she followed the direction it was pointing towards. The sadness downright evaporated.

Because in front of this bottle sat her newfound friend.

Mary Macdonald.

Mary gave her a look, as if she was asking if it was okay to kiss her.

Lily nodded yes without any hesitation. 

She wanted to kiss Mary.

So Mary lent in,  and Lily did the same.

And as they met, Lily was filled with an overwhelming surge of comfort. This felt right. It was inexplicable. These were the same girls who had despised each other for years. But maybe that feeling wasn't hatred. Maybe it was something else entirely...

The girls pulled away from their own little trance by a very drunk Marlene McKinnon.

"Well I didn't see that one coming."

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