First party of the year

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Authors note-
I think i've changed my mind about this being slow burn. We need to hurry up and get more marylily. (Other ships and other tropes are yet to come so if slowburn's your thing you're might still see some😭)
History of Magic was nearly over, but the girls had long decided they were done with it. Professors Binns' monotone voice was simply a background noise now. Nobody could focus. How could they? Tonight was the first party of the year. Only 5th years and up allowed. The best Friday of the entire year. Everybody got absolutely shitfaced drunk, their very own way of celebrating their return to school.

The moment Binns finally dismissed them, the girls practically sprinted out of the room, with one aim and one aim only. To look bloody brilliant. They had taken off at a full sprint now, somehow simultaneously talking, or rather shouting, about what to wear. That was until Mary went crashing down to the floor, pulling somebody else down with her.

Mary, rather boisterously, began laughing at the unexpected tumble. That was until she saw the ginger girl beneath her. "Fucks sake Evans watch where you're going." She murmured, her entire demeanor changing.

Only Lily didn't respond, as she was painfully aware of the position they'd landed in. Mary now straddling her waist, Lilys hands on her thighs.

Coming to her senses, Lily pulled away as fast as she could, Mary leaping off of her very chaotically. Lily giggled at this, but not at Mary directly? She wasn't making fun of her? She actually didn't have it in her to be angry. The whole situation stirred some odd feeling inside of Lily, one she wasn't quite familiar with. One she couldn't quite shake.
The girls bustled around now in Mary's dorm, finishing getting ready.

"Jesus, we look good." Mary said, adjusting the little black, cowl neck dress she was wearing. It was made completely of silk, reasonably loose yet hugged all the right places. She wore white go-go boots and her curls were out in full force. She looked impossible.

Emmeline wore a distressed pair of bellbottom jeans, with a blue halter neck top. Marlene wore a dark blue pair of jeans and a Led Zeppelin t shirt.

Dorcas went all out, a bright purple bell sleeved top and black bell bottoms, covered in a starry pattern. She was the true artist of the group, her fashion efforts could be questionable sometimes, but she always made it work. That's how she was, she could style a bin bag and it would still look brilliant.

"Of course we do, it's us." Marlene laughed, winking at the rest of the girls.

"On a scale of 1-10, how wasted are we getting tonight?"

"Emmeline dear, we drink till we drop, haven't we always?" Dorcas said.

This group had always been party girls. Everyone knew it. If there was a party they were there, no matter the circumstances. In 5th year they were at a party nearly every single weekend. Of course all the drinking wasn't healthy but they were only young, nobody cared, and nobody questioned it. It was nothing unusual. It's just how they were programmed.

"HELLOOOO LADIES." A decidedly tipsy James yelled, barging into the room. Naturally, followed by an equally as tipsy Sirius, and a clearly more sober Remus and Peter.

"You girls look nice." Remus said, offering a friendly smile to them.


Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now