Night night James

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James sat, wide eyed and bewildered

"...Huh?" was all he could croak out.

Regulus stared back, with an uncharacteristically concerned look on his face.

James finally managed to push a coherent sentence out this time.

"How'd you know what to do?"

It was the only thing he could think to say.

"Sirius used to have panic attacks"

Regulus does too

"Plus, I remember him talking about you."

And his best friend is autistic, Pandora Rosier, but he didn't mention that.



Regulus' expression visibly fell at the mention of his brother. 

This was not the Regulus Black James knew

Not that he really knew him at all

This was the first time he'd ever properly spoken to the boy

It dawned upon Regulus that he'd let a bit too much slip now. It was moments like this when he'd remember what his mother always preached to him.

'Emotion is weakness Regulus, never let anybody know too much, and never let them see you feel.'

Correcting his slip up, he stood up.

"Don't take it personally Potter. I just might've gone insane listening to Sirius all week, it's awfully irritating. He loses his temper at anybody who looks your way when this happens. I can't have any distractions at the moment, with exams to think about and all."

Put up a wall Regulus, don't let him think you care... although it truly was a terrible excuse 

"Right." James mumbled back meekly.

"Yes well, I should be going now. I have far more important things to be devoting my time to."

Just then, Sirius barged through the door.

"James! Thank Merlins I've been looking everywhere for yo- Regulus?!" Sirius stood, staring incredulously at the scene before him.

It was a strange sight indeed. James potter on the floor of the room, messy hair and crooked glasses. Glass smashed everywhere and furniture flipped. And probably the most confusing sight... Regulus Black stood amongst it all.

"Sirius." Regulus' guard was absolutely up now. This was a completely different boy to the one sat with James not five minutes ago. He watched as the younger boy straightened, his expression darkening.

"What are you doing in here. James... did he do something?"

"No- no! Sirius he-"

"Why must you always assume I've done something?!" Regulus snapped.

"Because you're a prick Regulus." Sirius bit back.

"Prick? Sirius stop pretending that you're Lupin. We grew up together, stop speaking as though you're a muggle."

"Regulus what did you do."

"Nothing Sirius. I simply happened across your little friend destroying the place. Now, I'll leave you to clean up this mess, I don't think I could stand to be around one blood traitor for more than a minute, let alone two."

"Who are you calling a blood trait-!"

"Goodbye Sirius, Potter." And with a quick nod of his head and a sarcastic eyebrow raise, the youngest Black brother was gone.

"Who does he think he is, talking to us like that? He's so much like our- his parents. Disgusting people. We aren't blood traitors! He's nothing but an intolerable supremacist."

Sirius wasn't completely wrong, but James couldn't help but question that. He could do nothing but sit on the floor, completely perplexed. How could Regulus switch up that quickly? Well, he knew how. He'd seen Sirius do it plenty of times before. However James couldn't help but question the whole blood supremacist act. Of course, it would make sense for him to share the same beliefs as his family, and that's what Sirius had told James about his little brother. But he simply couldn't stop himself from noting the look on Regulus' face earlier. Concern, yes. But most of all, complete sorrow at the mention of his brother.

At least the confusion offered a distraction.

James began looking around the room now, Sirius still ranting in the background.

He sat, staring blankly at everything he'd broken. He noted the way he was still slightly hyperventilating. The way his body was shaking and the extreme wave of exhaustion washing over him now.

He started quietly crying now. This was always so tiring.

"Oh James I'm so sorry, can I hug you?"

"Mhm." James squeaked out, nodding gently.

Sirius wrapped his arms around his best friend now. "Tight hug or loose hug?"

"Tight please."

"Alright, mate."

"We need to fix this."

"I'll do it later, it's not your problem."

"Okay. Thank you Sirius."

"It's okay James, it's okay."

"Can I go to bed now?"

"Of course you can James. Let's go, yeah?"


And at that, Sirius slowly helped him up, walking him back to their dorm. Helping him get comfortable.

"I'll tell Minnie, she'll give you the day off tomorrow, okay?" Sirius said gently.

"Okay." James always found it difficult to talk after a meltdown. It was always so tiring.

"Do you need me to stay with you?"

"No it's- yawn- it's okay. I'm just gonna go to sleep."

That much was true, but James also knew that Sirius always needed time after so much as seeing Regulus. Let alone arguing with him.

"Okay James, sleep well. I'll bring you dinner later."

"Thank you Sirius, really. I love you mate."

"I love you too James... platonically" He laughed.

"Yeah cause we all know who you really love!"

"Shush before I suffocate you with your pillow!"

"Night night, Sirius"

It was daytime.

"Night night, James"

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