Oh yeah?

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"Mary, Mary, Mary!"

Spinning around, she sees an out-of- breath James Potter, running towards her at full speed.

Mary let out a loud laugh. "Jesus, James, slow down!"

James, however, doesn't listen. With a wide grin on his face, he runs faster than his legs can take him down the hallway, stumbling and falling. Jumping back up, he runs the remaining distance towards Mary.

"Why were you with Lily last night?!" He asks.

Mary, slightly caught off guard, thinks for a moment. "We were just smoking a bit, hang on- how did you know we were together."

James realises his mistake, Mary may be one his best friends, but she didn't know about the Marauder's map.

"Uhh, trade secrets Macdonald." He winked playfully, coming up with a quick lie. "No, I heard one of the girls talking about it; you guys are friends now?!"

"Um, yes I guess we are?"

"Oh, Mary, this is brilliant!"

"And why exactly is that?" She laughed.

"You can help me get together with Lily!"


Something about that gave Mary a sinking feeling. "Right, well I suppose that's true."

"Oh, will you Mary? Will you, will you, will you?!" James bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.

"Umm, sure James." Mary couldn't exactly say no, she didn't have a valid reason, but she wanted to.

"Thank you, Mares! You're my favourite person ever!" James brought Mary into a tight hug, lifting her up and spinning her around.

She giggled, and James continued. "Can you do it right now, I can't wait! She'll be in the library."

"How do you know where she is?"

"She always studies in the library at this time on a Saturday?" He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "That's a bit stalkery James."

"Oh, whatever." He brushes her off with a wave of his hand, laughing. "Soooo... is that a yes?"

"Fine, come on." She shook her head, amused, as they began walking towards the library.

As they entered the grand room, they walked down a few rows of books and tables, passing other studying students, before James spotted Lily.  "There she is, Mares!"

She was sat at the table in the corner, the afternoon sunlight pouring down on her. Her hair looked as though it had been set alight, red like fire. She had her hair messier than usual, her waves less tame, flipped over on top of her head to get it out of her eyes. Her green eyes were brightened by the sun, looking lighter than usual. Her freckles looked more prominent than usual, her face being illuminated by the rays of light. She looked stunning.

Mary paused for a moment, staring at the redhead, her lips parted. She leans up against the bookshelf to the left of her, an unusual feeling in her stomach.

Nerves, maybe? But why am I nervous?

James, oblivious to her torment, playfully pushes her forward. "Go on, Mares, go and talk to her!"

"And what do I bloody say?!"

"Make small talk, then subtly ask if she fancies me!"

"James..." Mary starts, not wanting her friend to be disappointed by the girl's answer, but also reluctant for another reason, though she didn't know what that reason was.

Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now