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Okay, so I'm not really sure if Flitwick was the charms Professor in the marauders era. But I'm writing this very late and I don't think now is the time to be creating new characters. I'm terrible at names. So enjoy and don't come at me for Flitwick please<3
P.s this chapter involves a kind of harassment scene (creepy boys!) so if you don't want to to read that skip till u see the bit where Mary goes into class cause this chapters a bit important🫶

Watch it!" A group of 5th years shouted after Mary as she pushed her way through the crowds on her way to class.

She had her first charms class of the year, by far her least favourite subject. One could say she wasn't exactly in her highest spirits.

However, her path was very quickly blocked by a tall figure, in green and black robes. "Get out of the way you arse!"

"What was that?"

Joseph Avery

An odd boy, and a scary one at that

You've done it now Mary

Don't take it back now. Commit, double down. These snakes can practically smell fear.

"I said move! Are you stupid?"

Any normal person might think it wise to back off. But Mary had never been one to stand down from a fight, and she certainly wasn't going to let herself seem like an easy target.

"I'd watch your mouth if u were you."

The crowd had disappeared now, everybody having gone to class.

It was just the two of them.

Stay calm, Mary.

"Piss off Avery."

"Such a foul mouth, Macdonald. Mummy never teach you any manners?" He questioned sarcastically.

"I'm going to class. Move, I'm not wasting any time on a dickhead like you."

"That's a shame, I always thought you were pretty fit, you know, minus the dirty blood and all that. I'd be willing to give you a chance."

"Get fucked, Avery."

"Yes exactly, that's what I'm hoping is about to happen."

"You're a disgusting, prejudiced twat. I have no desire to go within 10 feet of you. We aren't even very close yet this proximity is making me nauseous. Go and bother one of your other little bigoted hookups, I'm not wasting anymore time on you."

"I think you'll regret passing up this opportunity, Macdonald."

"I can assure you, I won't."

"Have it your way... Mudblood."

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to!"

"Ah miss Macdonald! I believe you're in my class now, am I correct?" A voice came from behind her.

Good timing Flitwick, I was about to beat the life out of this boy.

"Oh uhm, yes professor." Mary responded.

"And Mr Avery, you are supposed to be in potions with professor Slughorn, are you not?" Flitwick questioned.

"Uh- yes I suppose I am Professor."

Ha! He acts all tough then backs down the minute there's a professor around. What a pussy.

"And is there a reason you're not there right now? Slughorns classroom is a while away, a fact you're well aware of."

Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now