Come with us?

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Sorry for the slow updates everyone!! I'm trying my hardest, but honestly I'm not doing very well atm. I have a few chapters in the works right now, though, so with any luck I'll get them out asap. Also, quick warning, there's some more creepy boys in this chapter!! Anyways, I hope you enjoy<3 (p.s as always I apologize for any typos)

Mary let out a long dramatic sigh, falling onto her bed. "I have absolutely nothing to wear!" She lazily turned her head to face Marlene, who was busy changing her septum piercing.

"You always say that! You have tons to wear." Marlene mumbled, not really paying attention to Mary's antics.

Mary brushed her off with a wave of her hand, before eagerly jumping up and running to her trunk. "Nevermind! I have the best idea!" She grinned.

Around five minutes later, She sat on the end of her bed, waiting for her best friend as she seemed to be spending more time than usual on her looks. Marlene began rooting through her clothes for different options, even though she had already decided on the outfit she was wearing.

Mary raised an eyebrow and smirked, leaning her head against a bed post. "Who are you trying to impress? It's just us and the girls." She teased.

"Nobody!" Marlene retorted with a slight attitude, making the dark haired girl furrow her eyebrows.

"Marls... you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I'm just a bit stressed." She brought her hands up to her face, sighing.

Mary gave her a sympathetic smile. "Well I think the outfit you have on is perfect." She said.

Marlene nodded, beginning to brush and fix her hair, seemingly calm before she suddenly threw her hairbrush on the floor. "Fuck it! I'm not going!" She flopped on her bed, burying her face in her pillow.


"Nothings going right! I look terrible!" She groaned.

Mary slowly walked over towards Marlene's bed, laying down next to her and throwing an arm over her waist. "I don't know what's actually wrong, and you don't have to tell me, but I think you look gorgeous. Besides, we're only going to the astronomy tower with the girls, It's not like we HAVE to look nice, it's just for fun." She spoke gently.

"I know, you're right. Thank you Mary." She rolled over to face her best friend, kissing her on the cheek.

"You ready to go then?"

"Fineee." Marlene jokingly rolled her eyes. The girls grabbed their stuff and headed down to the common room.

As they reached the common room, however, they saw a very bored looking Lily Evans and Alice Fortescue sat on the sofas.

The girls silently turned to each other, Marlene raising an eyebrow and Mary biting her lip in thought.

"I feel bad for them." Mary whispered. "They don't really do much."

"Maybe they like it that way?"

"Yeah but me and Lily were speaking about it, and I don't think she actually does, I don't know about Alice though."

"Huh, when did you speak about it?"

"When we had detention together."

"Ooooh right I forgot about that..." Marlene trailed off. "So... what are we going to do then?"

"Should we ask if they want to come with us?"

Marlene raised her eyebrows. "Do you really think they'd want to? I mean... they don't really seem like the... smoking type?" She looked over to them.

Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now