The Astronomy Tower

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Exhaling a large cloud of smoke, her eyes red and drooping, Emmeline nodded to her friends. "Sup." She let her head fall backwards, laughing about nothing in particular.

Emmeline and Dorcas were sat on the floor on the far side of the Astronomy tower, passing a joint back and fourth.

Marlene laughed loudly, thoroughly amused by Emmeline's state, walking forwards to allow Lily and Alice to join them. The two girls hesitated slightly, before walking forwards. Dorcas noticed them first, her eyebrows raised in shock, before she quickly fixed her expression into a polite smile.

"Oh, hello girls."

The pair mumbled shy greetings and Dorcas turned to Mary with questioning eyes once they looked away. Mary brushed it off with a dismissive wave of her hand, mouthing 'I'll explain later'.

The curly-haired girl walked forward to sit with her friends, beckoning Lily and Alice over with a reassuring smile. Marlene, however, carelessly bounded over to Emmeline, who instantly handed her the joint, an offer of which of graciously accepted.

Alice, who was decidedly innocent towards this kind of thing, widened her eyes. "Is that marijuana?!"

The blonde shrugged, nodding. "Yeah? Do you want a hit?"

"Uhhh- I've never tried it." She responded, slightly embarrassed.

Lily, ever surprising, chimed in. "I'll have a go."

Practically everybody's eyebrows shot up in surprise at this, making Lily blush self-consciously, rubbing her arm. "What?!"

"Nothing." She sent a threatening look to the girls, trying to make Lily feel comfortable. "It's've smoked before?" Dorcas asked.

"Yes, once or twice with my muggle friends."

Truthfully, Lily was shaken up by their prior run-in with Severus and his new friends, so while she doesn't smoke often, she wasn't opposed to something that would help take the edge off.

Though it wasn't just Lily who felt this way, Mary was also somewhat unsettled by that run in; Mulcibers predatory glare refused to leave her mind.

Marlene shrugged, passing the redhead the joint before turning back to Alice. "You want to try it, Fortescue?"

"No pressure though, obviously." Dorcas added.

"You know what, sure." Alice nodded determinedly, watching as Lily inhaled, coughing ever so slightly as she readjusted to the sensation, before she handed it over.

"Take it slowly, you want to inhale, then hold it for a few seconds, before exhaling." Mary tells her, as Alice follows her instructions, coughing a bit as she does so.

However, noting Emmeline's current state, her eyes widen slightly as she whispers to Dorcas. "How strong did you roll it?!"

Instead of a direct response from Dorcas, her answer comes in the form of a guilty, playful look from Emmeline, who begins practically cackling. Dorcas whispers back, slightly panicked "I didn't know they were coming! ...They'll be fine, surely?"

Across the room, the Ravenclaw abruptly stopped laughing, instead bursting into her very own rendition of 'Ruby Tuesday' by The Rolling Stones. Marlene practically cackled at her friend, before looking at the joint that had hardly been smoked "Why is she this stoned already?"

Dorcas sighed disapprovingly, before shaking her head at Emmeline. "The silly twat thought it a good idea to smoke before coming here." Marlene smacked her friend playfully across the head, though she remained unbothered and continued singing rather obnoxiously in her ear.


The girls were quietly chatting amongst themselves, the effects of the cannabis kicking in now.

Mary had been speaking to Marlene, though the blonde was seemingly distracted by the dark-haired girl sitting across from them.

Dorcas had not dressed up to her usual standards, but as always she looked insanely stunning. Her dark hair in braids that cascaded down her back, some crystal jewellery around her neck and wrists.

She was wearing a baggy, off-the-shoulder grey top which she had cut to be cropped, and some purple, stripey, baggy trousers. She had a pretty, amethyst nose ring that her friend, Pandora had made for her by hand, and the moonlight lit up her face perfectly. To Marlene, she looked entirely enchanting.

Mary, noticing her best friend's silence, looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, before following her line of vision towards Dorcas. She looked completely confused, before a look of realisation settled across her features, her eyes wide as her head whipped back towards Marlene. Just as she was about to say something, Marlene slapped a hand over her mouth, rendering her unable to speak, Mary's head whipping back and fourth as she grins, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde.

"Mary, Mary shut up!" Marlene whispered desperately, as the dark-haired girl just laughed loudly into the palm of her hand.

After a minute or so of Mary squirming around and giggling, she raised her hands in surrender. The blonde hesitantly removed her hand, shyly smiling.

Mary paused for a moment, grinning before she simply states. "So that's why you were taking so long getting dressed."

Marlene attempts to deny it, but the words won't even leave her mouth. Instead, she just grins and playfully rolls her eyes. "Maybe."

"I love this for you, Marls!! Does she know?!" Mary asked.

"No, so i need you to try and contain yourself so she doesn't bloody find out!" She laughs.

"Okay, okay!"

Marlene turns to study Dorcas for a moment, blushing.

Mary sees this, smiling as she whispers. "Shit, you like Cassie!"

"I've liked her for a while now."

She goes quiet for a moment, before whispering, sounding upset. "So... why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared... I didn't want you to think it was going to mess up our friend group or something, I didn't want you to be mad at me. I guess i just wasn't sure how you would take it." Marlene shrugs anxiously.

"Marls, let me be clear, i am nothing but pleased for you. I actually think you two would be really sweet together, and now i get to be your wingman!" Mary says reassuringly, placing a hand on her best friends arm. "And for the record, I've known you liked girls since i caught you staring at Emma Vanity in our second year."

Marlene leans in, embracing her friend, tearing up. "I love you so much, Mares." She whispered.

"I love you more."


Across the room, Lily Evans was staring at the two girls, a frown on her face and an unpleasant feeling in her chest.

Why were they always hugging?!

As the two pulled back, Mary stroked her friend's hair, kissing her forehead.

Lily felt ill, were they more than friends?


God... she really was quite pretty.

The way her curls fell around her shoulders, her gorgeous eyes, her full lips, that endearing little smile of hers. She was beautiful. Truly beautiful. Her long legs, her curves, even her hands! Her dark eyes that reminded her of the inside of a tree, the most alluring shades of brown. Not to mention how lovely she had been acting as of late. Inviting them here with them, the Mary she knew -or rather, thought she knew- would never have done that!

How could I ever have hated her?!

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