1k reads!!

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Quick update while I finish up editing the sorry excuse for chapters that are already up😭 we've reached 1k reads, thank you all so much<3 even though it's small compared to the other popular books on this platform, I'm so grateful for this, just knowing that many people bothered to even click on my story means so much to me.

If you guys want to be notified on any delays on chapters, I think I'll just start posting them as conversations, so if you want to please follow me :)

Also, (even though I'm pretty sure a lot of you have come from tiktok) if you want to see any edits or teasers and things about the story I post, go follow my tiktok @marymacdonaldswifee (only if you want to, it feels a bit tragic telling you to do so😭)

I'm hoping to get some more chapters out very soon, but I've just been accepted into this school I've been wanting to get into for forever, so I have a lot to prepare for and adjust to for the move, so I'm very sorry that the story has been so slow moving.

Again, a huge thank you to everyone who's bothered to read, I love and appreciate you all so much!! Your engagement in this story means the absolute world to me, and I hope you're all enjoying it so far<3

Lots of love, belles❤️

Autumn Leaves- marylilyWhere stories live. Discover now