July 22, 2022: 1:25 AM (Bedroom)

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You can't visualize anything after death.
When you try, all you get is the nagging fear of what's on the other side.
But I want to.
I've tried.
Every time an entry is made here, I've tried.

Sometimes it doesn't hurt.Sometimes it's a low boil.Sometimes I can control it.But sometimes I can't, and it goes wild. Eating at my mind and psyche, slowly trying to kill me, so that I can see the others side, and find out truly, once and for all, what lies beyond the grave. It wraps its coiling oily tentacles around me, and it doesn't let go.

What am I more afraid of? Afterlife existing, and I'm going to get punished, or the endless solitude of being by yourself for all eternity!?


I shouldn't do this anymore, but why can't I stop?

At least now I'm feeling a bit better.

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