I'm going to miss you.

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It's been two months and Kai was eight months old and his unborn sibling was three months old.

I was in the hospital for my checkup. Dr Thompson applied the gel on my growing bump and moved the probe around it.

"Okay so the baby is healthy and It's starting to grow hair. Also the baby can recognize your voice because the ears are growing so you should start talking to it, it will really help."

"Can we find out the gender now?" Stiles asked impatiently.

"You guys are having a healthy baby girl." And with that Stiles passed out. "Is he okay." Dr Thompson asked me. "Yeah he's just a little shocked.


We were in my room cuddling, Kai was taking his afternoon nap. "I can't believe we're having a girl, and on top of that you're leaving tonight." I cried on Stiles chest. "Don't cry. I'll come back when you're going on labor." He said and kissed my head. "When are we going to tell the others?" He asked. "Now." I said and called the others in. "What's wrong." Scott asked. "We wanted to tell you guys that we're having a girl."

"Yes!" Crystal and Sarah yelled. "Told yah, now you owe us ten dollars each." Sarah said. "Fine." Scott took out money from his pocket and gave the girls. "Did you guys make a bet on the baby?" I asked. "Maybe." The three of them ran out.

We had already told our parents about the gender and they were ecstatic. Stiles had already backed his stuff in the jeep.

"Please don't leave." I told Stiles. "I'm sorry Babe but I have to."

"I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too."

I was laying on top of him cuddling him. "Maybe after you graduate you can live with me."
"Yeah I just don't want to go through this pregnancy without you."
"I'm sorry love."

"It's feeding time for Kai." I said and we went to wake up Kai.

"Hey wake up baby." I picked him up and he cried. "Awe don't cry baby, it's lunchtime."

We went downstairs and fed Kai. I placed Kai on the floor and he kept trying to crawl. He got frustrated and cried. "You'll learn one day but you're still little now." I said and placed him on my lap.

"I still can't believe you're going to leave us." I said with tears threatening to spill. "Don't cry." He wiped my tears. "Wait why am I so emotional?" I asked him. "Maybe because the love of your life is going away for college and leaving you with your son and unborn daughter."

"You're not the love of my life, he is." I lifted kai up. "You stole my girl." Stiles took him from me and tickled him and Kai giggled non stop.

"It's bath time for Kai." I said and we went to the bathroom. I bathed him in his little bathtub.

I changed him into a fresh dipper and because it was really hot today he only wore that.

"Don't you have to go to work?" Stiles asked. "Yeah but I want to spend every minute with you." I kissed him.


It was late at night and Stiles was getting ready to leave. "I'm going to miss you guys." Stiles hugged Scott, Kai and I. "Even the two sassy ones." He pointed at Sarah and Crystal who were standing with their arms crossed. "We're gonna miss you too Stilinski." They said and smiled.


I was in my room telling Sarah how much I already miss Stiles. "You are so in love." She said comforting me. "I really am, am I?"

Kai cried when his father left and I'm pretty sure Atlantis did too.

"So what's the baby's name? I already know that you thought of a name for her." She asked.

"Atlantis Sarah Stilinski McCall." I told her. "Awe you named her middle name after me." She said smiling. "I love you so much Faith Rebelis McCall." She hugged me really tight. "I love you too Sarah Cameron but you're squeezing Atlantis." I said out of breath. "Oh sorry Atlantis." She apologized to the baby.

Sarah and I have been talking non stop to her. Stiles was also talking to her even Kai.

"We should go shopping for baby clothes to get your mind off of your baby daddy." She suggests. "Okay, I do have $1,420 dollars." I said and Sarah gasped. "Where on earth did you get that much money from." She asked. "My job duh."
"I need to get a part time job where I can only sleep."


I got Kai and I dressed and we all went to the Mall. We bought a bunch of clothes for the baby and Kai. I also bought him toys even though he has a lot.

"Hello ladies." A group guys greet us. "Bye turds." Sarah said and pulled my hand and we left.

"That was kind of mean." I said to Sarah as I buckle Kai into his seat.

"I know, that's why I said it and I'm driving." She snatched the keys from me. "It's my car." I snatched them from her. "You're pregnant." She snatched them from me. "Fine." I said and got in the passenger seat. "Good now let's go home home."

"Good now let's go home." I mimicked her. "Did you just fuckin mock me?"
"No." I grumble.


I was in my room playing with Kai. "Peekaboo." I covered my eyes and uncovered them and he laughed uncontrollably. "God I love you." I hugged him.

"Baba." He pointed at my stomach. "Yes sweetheart it's a 'baba'." I smiled and laid on my back and Kai laid his head on my stomach. "Baba." He whispered before falling asleep.

Where's Stiles when moments like this happen. I sighed I can't wait to see him again.
I'm also sad because Scott is leaving tomorrow.

I can't wait to graduate high school and move to Virginia where Stiles and our kids will be.


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