fuck off

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I was cuddling with Stiles until I heard a knock on my door "honey it's me again can we talk." My dad asked me. "Nope I'm busy with homework." I answered. "Rebel I'm serious" he said. "And I don't fuckin care."

"Rebel if you don't open this door in the next five seconds I'm gonna open it myself.....one.....two.....three.....four.....five that's it I'm opening this door." He tried opening it but it was locked.
"Rebel open this door right now." He shouted. "Dad what are you doing." I heard Scott ask.

"Your sister doesn't want to open the door." He answered "maybe she just doesn't want to talk to you." He defended me. "She has to apologize to Crystal." He said "who's that." "Your half sister. Rebel punched her in the face." "I did not I just slapped her really hard." I defended myself "Rebel you've been lying your whole life do you really think I'm going to believe you at this point." I opened the door and he saw my baby bump.

"I never lied to you, you were just blinded by the stupid lies your perfect daughter told you and you know I'm SICK and TIRED of you and Crystal I wish you both died and I don't care if you ground me I meant every word I said." I shouted. "You think I wanted a daughter like you? The only reason I took you is because I didn't want you bothering your mom and Scott." His words really hurt me but I don't fuckin care. "I DON'T FUCKIN CARE." I yelled and stormed to my room.

Stiles comforted me. "You know you were really hard on your dad." I slapped him across the face "you don't know what you're talking about. You don't know how much pain they caused me if you were in my shoes you'd do the exact same thing so shut the fuck up." I screamed at him. I'm done with this house.

I took my hoodie and when I was about to leave Stiles stopped me. "Where are you going?" "Far away from this family." And I left but Stiles stopped me again. "Stiles don't worry I'll come back before it's dark I just going to get some fresh air." I lied and went to forest.

Walked for about two hours and it was getting dark but I didn't care so I kept on walking until I reached a cliff and I stopped. I just set down and I wasn't planning on jumping.

Minutes later Klaus walked up to me "what do you want Niklaus." I got up. "Relax darling we just want the baby" I heard another voice. "Well you're not getting it." And at that moment Hope and some guy walked up to me. "Wow you really got pregnant I'm disappointed at you." She said "so are my parents you're not special." I said to her "and why do you guys even want the baby." I asked them. "We want it's power."

"Don't you already have power." I asked confused. "Well we want more power." Klaus said. "Well you ain't getting it. "I vamp sped off.

I kept on running and I and reached home "that's it I'm going to look for her she said that she'll come home before dark and it's almost midnight." I heard Stiles rant I walked in the living room and everyone looked at me in shock. "Where the hell were you."Stiles said proceeded give me a bear hug. "I was in the woods and I got lost." I lied. "We have to go now" the pack left. "Never do that again. And when were you going to tell me you're pregnant" My dad pointed his finger at me "fuck off." I said slapping his hand away from me.

Stiles and I went to my room and we were cuddling and watching star wars his favorite movie. "I'm sorry for slapping you earlier today I was just angry." I apologized "it's ok I'm sorry too." He brushed his fingers through my hair and I fell asleep.

Two months later .
Crystal was staying with us, dad left and Klaus stopped bothering me. the baby was five months old

"Are we ever going to find out the gender." Stiles whined while brushing his teeth. "Relax we're going to find out today." I kissed his soft lips and pulled back he smiled at me "I love you and our unborn child." He kissed my stomach and I giggle.

Baby Trouble (Teen Wolf /Stiles Stillinski)Where stories live. Discover now