Liam Dunbar

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Rebels pov

I went to my locker and put my books in it. I bumped into two juniors. "Sorry" I apologized obviously embarrassed. "It's okay, I'm Lydia and this is Malia what's your name?" The strawberry blonde girl ask. "Uhh I-I'm Rebel McCall....bye." I speed walked to history class.

Time skipped

I went to watch lacrosse tryouts with Sarah and I bumped into a freshman. "Sorry." I apologized."hey watch it." He said. "Sorry." He just glared at me." Hey I'm Sarah what's your name." She asked politely. "Uhh...Liam."
"Okay Liam I'm assuming you have some very serious anger issues but if someone bumps into you by accident and they apologize sorry, don't be a dick just say it's ok." She told him and grabbed my hand and we set on the bleachers.

The guys were running laps and they were finishing up and Stiles looked like he was a pregnant woman in labor "Is that everyone." Asked coach and Stiles fell on the grass. "Yep that's everyone."

One of the juniors from earlier Malia waved me over. "I'll be right back." I said to Sarah and she was a bit sad that I ditching her.

"Hi." They smiled at me. "And who are you." A cute brunette girl asked me "Oh Uhh I'm Rebel McCall Scott McCall's younger sister." I introduced myself she nodded her head and I sat down.

Liam was crushing it the and I overheard Stiles saying that Liam might be a werewolf and I guessing that this isn't going to end well

I looked up from my phone and saw Liam on the ground and I just smirked and looked back at my phone. "Hey Reb we're taking Liam to the hospital do wanna come with." Scott asked me. "Sure why not."

-at the hospital

When we arrived mom took him in a wheelchair "I have to go I promised Malia I'd help her study." Stiles said I waved goodbye while I was staring at my phone screen

Scott and I were sitting outside the room Liam was in. "You know that you're a dick." I said. "What?" He asked confused. "Don't act confused with me. You broke the kids foot just because you wanted to be stupid lacrosse captain now Liam's hurt cause of your own selfish stupid reasons!" I snapped at him and he felt guilty for what he had done.

"It's broken isn't it." I overheard liam asked the doctor. "We just have to wait for the x-ray results. How did you break your leg." He asked.  "I was trying to impress this girl so I went up two juniors."

"Liam you know what we say, play smart not hard."
"Are you mad at me"
"No but your mom's gonna kill for getting you into lacrosse " he chuckled a little and left the room.

I entered the room "Hi" I said to him "Uhh hey how much of that did you hear." "A lot." I said I could tell he was a little embarrassed. "Sooo. Who's the girl." I asked acting curious. "What." "Who's the girl you were trying to impress." I asked again "I can't tell you." "That's ok because I think she was really impressed with you." I told him. "Really?" He asked really happy. "Yeah Liam. You crushed it out there. You're really good at lacrosse sorry that my dick head brother broke your foot." I apologized "It's ok. What's your name." "Rebel McCall but you can call me Faith."

I told him I was kinda surprised that I told him my real name only my mom, dad and Stiles know my real name. "Why Faith?" "Cause it's my real name only my dad and Stiles know it." I explained to him. "Why only them?" "Because I trust Stiles and my dad and mom are the ones that named me and for some reason I trust you to." I told him and he smiled at me and I smiled back.

Then we heard loud noise I went to go check it out and liam insisted on coming. I carried him out and I saw some guy attacking my mom "MUM!"I screamed and dropped liam. I shifted and he came at me and threw me across the wall. Then I see Scott in his wolf form and the guy took Liam to the roof. "Liam." I whispered before blacking out.

When I got to the roof I saw Liam dangling from the edge of the roof and Scott was trying to help him.
The weird guy was on the floor with an axe on his back and Liam was also on the floor but with a bite mark on his arm.
"Scott what the fuck did you do?" I asked. "He was going to fall and I had to bite him.....when were you going to tell that you're werewolf." " just bit Liam." I said trying to change the subject.

Time skipped . We arrived home

We went upstairs to see Liam and he was dunk taped in Scott's bathtub .
Stiles opened the shower curtain "What the fuck Scott" I said while closing the curtains.
"So you bit him." Asked Stiles he nodded his head"and brought him here " "I panicked ok"
"This is why I come up with the great ideas."
"That's why I called you over" he said

"Ok Liam we're going to take the tape off mouth .If you scream we're gonna put it back. If you stay quiet it stays off got it. " he nodded his head angrily. He took the tape off his mouth.

"Ok Liam you saw a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened it" poor kid. "Not really." He said confused. "Good that's good...
..maybe you should tell him." He said gesturing to Scott

"Tell me what?" Asked liam getting a lil angry which was cute "Liam what happened which I had to do in order to save you," Scott explained "its gonna change you."

"Unless it kills you " Stiles pointed out. "Dude what the fuck" I said "Wh-what" liam whimpered. "Uh oh uh is he is he crying " Stiles asked. "No he's sweating in his eyes what do you think dumbass" I said while hitting him on the head

"Guys just help me untie him." We nodded our heads and untied him "Liam are ok...I'm sorry" I stepped back because I knew what was going to happen

Liam stood up proceeding to throw a chair at Scott and punched Stiles "bye liam" I said while he was running away.......Scott and Stiles chased him downstairs and he left

"Your plans both suck" I said laughing
"We're aware of that thank you." Stiles said annoyed


WORDS =1138

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