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Play Atlantis by seafret

Kai is thirteen months old and Atlantis is seven months old. Dr Thompson said that I could go in labor any day from now. I don't get it. Why doesn't She come after nine months like Kai. I am excited to see her but I have a feeling that this will effect her birth.

I was packing Lanny's hospital bag for when I go into labor. I can't believe I'm going to see my little girl soon. "I'm beyond excited to see you but I'm also scared if something happens." I said to her.

Stiles came back from Virginia because the baby was coming soon and he was now hanging out with his dad and Kai.

The baby was going to stay in our room until she turns two months. We already added another crib in Kai's room for Atlantis.

I finished packing and went downstairs to eat something because the baby's hungry.

I made myself toast with avocado and grape jam and it was surprisingly delicious.

I finished eating and took a shower and got dressed. I went to Sadie's apartment because I was bored home alone.

"Hey momma." She said letting me inside and I saw someone on the couch. "Why?" Brett and I whined seeing each other. "I thought you guys were friends?" Sadie looked at us confused on why we're annoyed to see each other.

"She stole my coffee." Brett said pointing a finger at me. "Because you stole my chicken nuggets." I pointed a finger back at him.

"You guys are stupid." She shook her head and went to the kitchen and I followed her to it.

"So How's Atlantis?" She asked and gave me a glass of orange juice. "She's okay but she's been giving me trouble like having to pee all the time and really bad anxiety because I'll be going into labor any day from now."

"I know it's scary but it'll all be worth it when you have her in your arms." She told me. "I know. I can't wait to hold her." I looked at Atlantis. "Your mom really loves you Lanny." Sadie told her.
"She's right, I do."

We went to the livingroom.
"What were you guys talking about." Brett asked us.
"About how you have to much dick in your personality then in your pants." I patted his shoulder and walked past him.

"For the record I have a huge dick." He defended himself. "I hate to say it but it's true." Sadie said. "Ofcourse you know how big it is." I said in disgust. "Bitch you disgusted in me when you're pregnant for the second time." I was about to say something but decided to shut up.

"Looks like only Sadie can shut you up." Brett said laughing. "Actually it's Sarah but she can too." I said.

"And I'm so grateful to have the privilege to shut you up." She said and sat on her boyfriend's lap and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh oh oh, that's not good." I said shifting and my eyes widen. "What's not good." Brett asked rolling his eyes. "My water broke." I said and Sadie chocked on her water. "What I don't think I heard you right?" She asked and quickly got off of Brett's lap. "My. Water. Broke." I said nervously. "Oh gosh. Brett go to Reb's place and get the baby's hospital bag." She ran to my side. "Okay where is it?" He asked still in shock. "In Kai's room, in his closet." I told him. "Okay." He ran out of the apartment.

Stiles POV

I was in the livingroom talking to my dad about the things that happened in Virginia and Kai was sitting on my lap playing with my hand.

I felt my phone buzz in pocket. I took it out and saw a text from Sadie and another from Brett both saying that Faith's water broke. How did Brett get my number.

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