Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

''You really shouldn't have said that human boy. And you Ava, you can only test my patience for so long."

My body seethed with anger towards this psychopath of a woman. My wrist got hot and I smelled smoke-the ropes!They were burning. I channeled the anger and hatred to my feet, and before she could say anything I was free. I jumped up and dashed towards her, ready to snap her neck, with a rage I had never before experienced. She sighed and waved her hand sending me flying through the air and crashing down next to Tyler.

"Ava," He wheezed. "are you okay?"

I groaned, "No, I just want to get us out of here."

"Me too. Can you help me get out of these handcuffs before she realizes?"

I nodded and with the super strength I now possessed, grabbed the cuffs and pulled. He had none of his own and fell into me, crying out in pain. I heard a cackle of laughter across the room, and turned my attention there.

"You really think you can overpower me? You may be powerful Ava, but not that powerful." She said and continued to laugh maniacally, the sound echoing in the whole room.

I turned my attention to Tyler and his wounds, he was burning up. A single tear escaped when I thought about what was done to him. It landed on his chest, Tyler winced but I saw the skin heal itself.

"This might tickle a little but okay?" I said to him.

"Tickle? I don't mind a tickle." He said disoriented as he tossed and turned in my lap.

I took a deep breath, ignored the sound of her laughing, put my hands on his back, and thought of a happy memory. I don't know why, but I thought about the time during hurricane Sandy when our buildings power went out. All the neighbors had come down, candles, and flashlights in hand, to the lobby to see what happened. When we realized it was all of us we just stayed downstairs and hung out; catching up with the neighbors we hadn't spoken to in 10 years. At one point Mrs. Hemmings came down, her arms filled with food and drinks for everybody. We all just sat there, eating and laughing together. I remember being filled with this pure happiness of being with the people I've known since I was little, and having nothing interrupt us. I operated from there, and felt something cold and icy leave through my fingertips.

Tyler let out a soothing, "Ahh." and when I opened my eyes his back was almost completely healed.

"This is actually very cool." He said

"Cool?" I said irritated, that was such a typical thing for him to say in a situation like this. "Ty, you were beaten bloody, how in the heck is that cool?" I moved my hands to his bare chest and he looked at me and said,

"Montgomery if you wanted to touch my rock hard abs, all you had to do was ask."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't make me slap you when I'm done."

When I was, the joking was over. He sat up and hugged me tight.

"God I missed you." He said into my hair.

I blinked back tears and held on tighter, "I really thought you were dead. I really thought you were gone."

All of a sudden the ground beneath us started to shake. The woman who called herself my mother appeared in front of us and said, "I'm afraid this sweet little reunion must come to an end. I let you see each other for the last time, but now you'll have to say goodbye."

We were both flung to opposite sides of the room before we had a chance to process what she was saying.

"Tyler!" I yelled

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