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It was over; the terrible nightmare was finally over. I was home at last, with my real family, and people who truly loved me. Of everyone that I loved, one was missing and I felt it everyday: Hunter.

My friends and family helped me cope with the loss, but I knew I would never fully get over him. You don't just 'get over' the loss of a loved one. You keep yourself busy, your mind occupied with other things, so you're not constantly thinking about it. But the pain never goes away. It etches up on you when you least expect it, taking over your whole being, reminding you that they're gone.

However, you also know that life does go on. They would want you to continue living yours, because that's what you would want for them. So that's what I did. I went to school, hung out with my friends, and continued to live. On days that I missed him more than usual, I went to visit him. I spoke to him often, knowing he was always listening. There is life and love after loss, all you have to do is find it.

So when I look into the mirror and see that scar on my neck, I know that it's not the end of a story, but the very first chapter.

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