𝘤𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘥

851 10 12

Not proofread sry
Also this chapter is kissing
fluff if u don't like that
sry again

Moving her hat out of the way, Y/n glanced over to Braeden who sat in the passenger seat. Completely sweaty, and completely tired.

The time was 12:01, and they'd been lucky enough to make it out of the venue he played that soon.

The good part was they were close to home, around 15 minutes. "Can you pull over?" Braeden's hand met Y/n's knee and she did so slowly, side eyeing him with suspicion.

"Yeah, but aren't you tired?" 

"It's less traffic anyways." Braeden shrugged, they were thankfully in a hidden spot between two trees, watching everyone else leave. "I can drive-"

"After that performance? No, it's alright I don't mind driving back." Y/n smiled, taking notice to the fact that Braeden had looked to her lips almost five times within a minute already. "Why'd you want me to pull over?"

"Why not." He shrugged, quirking an eyebrow as he did so. He gave a quick smile before pressing his lips to hers, one hand under her jaw. The kiss was slow, and nice though as they pulled away  Y/n couldn't help but laugh, running her hand through his hair.

"You wanted me to pull over to kiss?"

"No." Braeden giggled, and he scooted closer to her. "You know I looked for you in the crowd every time I lost you, right?"

Suddenly his voice had softened, and Y/n's smile faded just as his did. "I sang everything to you tonight."

"You did?" Y/n's voice softened as well now and she tilted her head, searching his eyes after asking this. He gave a nod before going on.

"I've never been happier playing a show. Not unless you're there, and I can go home with you."
He took small pauses, and his hand quivered as he reached into his pocket.

"I bought you something before today's show." He smiled to himself as he opened this, Y/n's eyes slightly widening until he pulled it out. It was a small silver ring, with a heart in the middle. A Jade heart.

It was pretty, and looking up from it Y/n opened her mouth to speak, only closing it once again. "It's just a promise ring, I mean- I figured we were there already so, I wanted to make that official." It was as if Braeden was growing more shy with each minute that passed, and he was very much relieved when seeing the reaction of his girlfriend.

"I love it so much. I love you so much, this is the best, Brae. Thank you." While saying this, y/n's arms were already well around Braeden's neck, pulling him in and pressing her lips to his once again firmly. She fiddled with her ring as they kissed, both smiling into it at the same time.

Braeden has opened his eyes, in the midst of their kiss just to watch hers that were tightly closed for a quick second before closing his once again, smiling even bigger.

His right hand went to her cheek, holding it as he roughly kissed back, now taking short breaths in between.

And he then went to speaking in between each kiss, making them long and firm. "I love you too."

When removing her hands from around Braeden's neck, and pulling away Y/n watched as Braeden quickly slid his blazer off to reveal only his white t-shirt before grabbing both of her hands, placing them back around his neck and kissing her once again.

"How long are we gonna be here?" Y/n had chuckled, keeping close after breaking their first kiss once again.

"Long." Braeden answered quickly, shrugging and searching her eyes. "Does it matter." He said that ad more a statement than a question, though his girlfriend answered it anyways.

"I mean it's now 12:10 and you gotta wake up at-"

"Oh, yeah you're right." Braeden had been nodding as he said this, only to follow it up with another kiss, interrupting her carelessly.

"Braeden, I'm serious." Y/n chuckled in between kisses, watching as Braeden kissed from her lips to her ear.

"Yeah me too, me too." He spoke, flicking his hair before going back to kissing right beside her ear.

"Really about what?" Though she did argue against it, y/n smiled bigger every time Braeden's lips touch her.

"About kissing you, give me five minutes to kiss you and we can go to our home, and go to sleep together."

Y/n just stared at Braeden after he said this with a faint smile, and that meant she was saying yes. So his lips met hers again quickly after, them both kissing as roughly as the other.

Braeden gave a sigh in content as he kissed her, and his hand moved from her cheek to her neck once he began kissing down to her jaw, smiling each time.

He found himself moving up to continue kissing her on the lips once, and after that he made his way back to her jaw once again.

From there he would have loved to make his way to her neck, though the bangs at the window startled them both, causing him to pull away quickly, meeting eyes with the cop at the drivers side, signaling for them to roll the window down.

Y/n had yelped, wiping her jaw which happened to be slightly wet before she rolled the window down. "Hi." Both had spoken, their voices cracking as they tilted their heads in confusion, squinting their eyes due to the flashlight the cop held.

"Shows over, folks. Exits that way, no parking here." He chewed his gum obnoxiously and Y/n cursed Braeden in her mind when hearing this.

They watched as the cop tapped the car twice, before walking off, and Braeden watched the side eyes his girlfriend gave him before she began driving.

"Awh, come on, bab-" he began to tease her, kissing her cheek in between words before she pushed him off aggressively, laughing.

"Shut up, Braeden." 

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now