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I'm standing outside of your house,
its pretty dark out.
Good thing theres lights.
Its pretty cold, though,
I just need you right here,
to warm me up this time.

"God." Braeden's nose turned more and more pink as he stood outside of Y/n's house, every raindrop making it worse.

His breath hitched and he continuously looked up to see if she'd opened the window yet, and he shivered, hugging himself.

The one light in the street helped him see, and as cold as he was, as sad as he was, he wasn't leaving.

He promised y/n he'd be at her going away party that her parents threw her today, and he completely missed it. Now it was like 1 AM and he was absolutely soaking.

He jumped from one foot to another, "if you move around, you get less cold." He nodded, speaking to himself while continuing his movements and then he just started running in place.

"Do you know how stupid you look?!" A familiar voice called out, and looking up, y/n was at her front door, shaking her head and his eyes widened.

"Braeden, go home. It's cold." She was about to go inside when he ran over from the middle of the street where he was tossing rocks to her window, and he stopped under her porch.

"Im sorry."

"Why didn't you come? I texted you all day too, its- did you not want to come? You could've told me-" she had a blanket wrapped around herself, one she brought down from her bedroom.

"No, y/n no. I wanted to be here, I did. But we were rehearsing like all day and-"

"Yeah, rehearsing." She nodded in disappointment, and disbelief because it was always rehearsals, and today was her day.

"Look I know I wasn't here and im sorry. Its been a busy week with tour coming up. But I would not be standing here in the middle of the night, in rain, if I didn't care. I even, I brought you something."

There was a pink box on her porch, Braeden purposely put it there right when he arrived so it wouldn't be wet. He walked over, still dripping wet and he picked it up, turning it to face her as she watched quietly.

"Its a-" he stuttered, opening the box. "Its a cake."

She stared at the green cake he brought home to her, and she stared at the message that read, MISS U ALRDY signed B, with a heart.

Her stomach did a small twist, not only because he got her a cake, because he had gone through all of that to get to her. She now looked up to him, her eyes softened and her lips curved up slightly.

Water dripped from his hair onto the box as he awkwardly smiled, still holding it for her.

Y/n had only walked over and embraced him into a tight hug before he gently pushed her off. "Give me like a second." He muttered, quickly putting the cam down, then standing up for her to hug him again, and she did.

Her arms were around his torso, and his around her shoulders tightly.

She leaned back, and lightly pressed her hands onto his face that was soaked, and she softly kissed him, to no surprise he kissed back. One hand went to the back of her head and the other to her neck as they remained kissing, him deepening it.

He pulled away, and watched the shorter girl who stared up at him take her blanket off and wrap it around him.

"Do you want to come to my party? Its inside, starring at.." she checked her phone for the time, "1:58 AM." Y/n tilted her head, waiting for a response an Braeden gave her a sweet smile.

"I'd love to."

With that, the girl leaned down before grabbing his hand and leading him inside. "Nice. But first shower."

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now