
556 10 17

First mwah

As scary as arriving a party by yourself is, I was still a little excited.

Cole's decorations were always the funniest, and today I got there a little bit later to save myself from the awkward pre party stuff.

"Y/n!!!!!" Nina was always welcoming to me, that's probably why I loved her so much. She came up to me, a beer in her hand that she had obviously been chugging, and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hi, oh my god hiii." She slurred, still hugging me me tightly and from there I caught eye of Braeden, who giggled a little as he stood by Coke and Dylan.

"Oh, look. Look." She whispered, her arm now around me as she pointed to them there, whispering in my ear.

"That one's yours." She giggled, pointing at Braeden now whose smile faded. "Right? Right." She giggled, "He said he wanted t-"

"Nina," Dylan laughed, holding his hand out for her to stop talking. She did, she covered her mouth with a small smile and walked back over to Cole.

I stood there awkwardly for a minute and my view turned to Dylan and Braeden. Braeden still awkwardly stared at Nina, his cheeks were red and that was a little weird. Dylan patted his back and walked off after greeting me with a sweet wave, telling me to help myself to anything.

"Hi." Braeden smiled a little now, holding his hand out to shake mine in which I took, raising an eyebrow.

"Very formal." I joked, and he nodded, gesturing to himself after drinking some of his drink.

"You know me."

Our hang out to the drive in went well, that was last week but now it felt a little bit more tense, I don't understand why.

"I do." I laughed a little, and he reached down into the cooler, pulling out a soda for me.

"Thank you." I smiled, watching as he nodded.

For a minute it was quiet, I hated nothing more than silence so I really hoped it'd end soon.

It was a loooong minute until Braeden glanced over at me a few times, and then told me to sit with him.

We sat on this mini brick fence. He helped me up with one hand and once I sat next to him, he turned over to me.

"So, how's Bowie?" Braeden asked, and I smiled at the thought of my dog. I was surprised he even asked of him considering he bit his finger last time.

"Good. How's your finger?"

"Oh, better." He assured, showing me the small wound that he covered with a bandaid.

I took his hand into my own to study it closer, but really I just wanted to feel his hand. It was cold from holding his seltzer.

Braeden's hair was pretty short but also the perfect length. He wore this cute basketball t shirt. I wore this one blue bomber and thankfully I did, because it was freezing.

I know when you drink alcohol you don't get as cold, but I still don't understand how Braeden was in a t shirt right now.

"So, how's the-"

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now