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"Okay, okay!" Braeden prepped himself as he stepped out of the room, fixing his bow tie and now reaching for the car keys after gathering everything in his civic.

Today was a pretty, warm spring day, and Braeden and Y/n had a wedding in Laguna to attend.

Only she was at Enya's getting ready there because she'd spent the night, and Enya really knew how to pull off a perfect red lip.

As he pulled up, Braeden fixed his freshly cut hair, his blazer and sighed before he glanced over to Y/n who walked o out the door, holding her bags and smiling at Braeden.

She wore a dark blue dress, matching his suit, and it reached her ankles. She paired it with crystal heels, and of course her hair was curled by Orion, and her makeup was done - Enya helping with the red lip.

"Wow." He uttered, rushing out of his car, he sped up, grabbing the bags from Y/n's hands as he kissed her firmly, his free hand on her lower back as she smiled into the kiss.

"Hi, Brae."

"Hi." He melted a bit, opening the door for her after placing her bags in the back, she took her seat and he then rushed to the other side, entering the car and starting the direction to the venue. "You look beautiful."

Braeden always liked the small reveals like that, he enjoyed the thrill - and the fact that he was never let down.

His hand laid on her thigh the whole way over, he snuck glances whenever he could - and around an hour and a half later, they arrived. The venue was beautiful, traditional and very much fitting for the couple getting married.

Braeden held y/n's hand as they walked in, greeting his friends and introducing her. It wasn't until the actual ceremony started that he began to feel it.

They sat towards the back, but still - he could see everything, and he bounced his leg, anxious as Y/n held his arm, leaning onto him.

He felt her soft breaths, and she felt his short ones. Every minute of the ceremony made him deeply think about them, and whether or not it was time. Of course, it was stupid to be influenced by one wedding but with Braeden's brother recently getting married as well, he had felt a wave of this desire.

Experiencing weddings intensified it. He imagined that it was them, and that they were already happily married with kids, living in the suburbs and of course - with Bowie.

"You okay?" Y/n asked, he looked down to her, pausing for a bit and his mouth parted at the sight of her beautiful presence.

"Yeah." He nodded, smiling down at her and pressing a kiss to her head.

After the reception, the after party came. They found themselves at a venue by the beach, and by the bar you could see the shore. It was beautiful, and cold. Y/n wore Braeden's blazer as they drank, she'd been legal for a few months now and was very much enjoying not having to sneak around anymore.

Her legs were tangled up with Braeden's, every now and then he pulled her chair closer until he just couldn't anymore.

Y/n rested her head on his shoulder now, setting down her drink and holding his hand in hers, before he sighed, pulling her up to dance because he'd never pass a slow dance with her.

Y/n smiled at this, she wrapped her arms around his neck as his travelled to her back. "You're quiet. You never are." She spoke, playfully. Earning a laugh from Braeden, Y/n smiling softly as she tilted her head.

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now