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My favorite part of waking up, was who I woke up next to.

Braeden just turned 28, him and the guys would be releasing a new song next week and they were close to their next album being released.

Today though, I didn't wake up next to him. I had figured he went to take our dog out, and when I woke up the second time and he still wasn't there - I'd grown concerned.

Every night, I only wore my striped boy shorts and a shirt of his that hung just to my thighs.

"Hello?" I called out, rubbing my eyes. I took notice to the tv being on, no one was in the living room though, and that bothered me until I heard Braeden's car lock, before he could open the door, I stepped out.

I wasn't expecting it to be this windy, and rainy. But that's how it was right now in Los Angeles. Considering what I was wearing, I groaned, and Braeden's eyes widened before he urged me back in.

"Where were you?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as he closed the door - locking it. My eyes opened ti meet Braeden's. They were glistening in both excitement and nervousness, his freshly cut hair was a bit damp and he smiled a dorky smile as he held up a customized bouquet of flowers, all being my favorite kinds.

Along with that, he held takeout from my favorite breakfast spot - and cleared his throat before speaking. "Will you be my Valentine?"

My heart raced a whole lot, I laughed nervously, nodding - of course - and walked over as he set down the bag of food and flowers. "Yes." I mumbled, right as he pulled me into his chest, leaving no distance between us.

He kissed me from my neck to my lips, softly and he then picked me up, walking over to our room.

He had opened the bathroom door, now setting my down on the counter, keeping his hand on my thigh as he turned the shower water on warm.

He continued to pepper small kisses all over my face, and as I smiled, I also backed away, "Aren't we gonna eat?"

"Not yet, no." He spoke firmly. "You stepped out barefoot? In the rain? With this on?" He tugged at my clothing, and i furrowed my brows, retorting.

"And? You went out in PJ pants and a T shirt." I now tugged at his, watching as he glanced down to his own soaking clothing.

"Exactly." He nodded, his hands going through my hair as I sighed, now giving in.

Braeden and I took a quick shower and we were back to our food in no time. He combed my hair carefully as I ate, handing him some pieces of my food as he did so.

Once he finished, he threw the comb onto our couch, hugging me from behind as I sat on the stool, and kissing the corner of my lip continuously, until he moved to my cheek.

"Come on." I gently urged for him to eat, and he took a seat next to me, pulling my stool closer before he began to eat.

We might as well have sat on the same chair, I leaned my head on his shoulder as we ate. He cracked stupid jokes as we watched cable, and placed occasional kisses to my forehead.

It wasn't long until we moved to the couch, I sat next to him until he pulled me into his lap, pulling the blanket over as if we were kids who were trying to be sheltered from their dark room at night.

"B.." I began, a laugh escaping my lips and he shushed me, smiling a small smile.

"You're wearing another pair of boy shorts in this weather." He claimed, now taking the blanket off of us, and setting it on my legs.

I never really liked silent rooms that much, but with Braeden I often found comfort in our moments of silence. He filled them by rubbing his thumb along my arm, my thigh, or even my shoulder whilst paying close attention to the TV.

And now, he was doing exactly that. His thumb ran against my thigh. It was the type of touch that could calm you down from almost anything, and he knew I took it as that.

I turned to look at him, he gave me a playful smile, and I gave one back before kissing him softly. There was nothing I considered better than this.

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now