𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Honestly, growing up all I had ever wished for was for someone to get that. To get exactly how I am, how I'm feeling, and know exactly what to do. I didn't think it was real.

When I don't feel good. I just don't. That's not something I can change, not with anything.

Today was one of those days, work was terrible, I was losing parts of myself that I would've liked to keep.

I stayed in bed from the minute I got home, my pants were still on and everything but I had no energy to get up and change.

Braeden was arriving back from New York today, I hated that he was so far away, now though - he was here. I heard his key turn in the door, and his luggage roll in before he shut it closed, locking it once again.


He called out various times, and I never responded. Not until he opened the bedroom door, walking in quietly. I hummed in response, still facing the wall and I could tell that immediately, he knew. "Bad day at work?" He stroked my hair, sitting next to me and staring down at me. I nodded slowly, turning to him and smiling before he pressed a kiss onto my lips.

He looked tired, and seeing that, I got up. "I'm sorry, B." I spoke, my voice was raspy and I put my slippers on before going to the kitchen.

I liked cooking, but I hated it when I was sad. I walked over to the kitchen, taking out a bowl to properly prepare Braeden food, since he had just gotten home from a 4 hour flight.

"Y/n," he chased after me, "Can you not? Just for today, I wanted to take us somewhere." He smiled just a bit, glancing down to Bowie and I shifted in my stance, rubbing my eyes that laid under my at home glasses.

"Huh, you just got home and it's 7?"

"Okay? Let's go." He smiled once again, reaching for Bowie's jacket and placing it on him after putting his harness on.

"We'll be in the car."

I fixed myself up just a little bit, putting a crewneck on and combing out my hair, but that was all. After I had joined my boys in the car, and Braeden played my playlist, he drove carefully and slowly, but he still had his hand on my knee.

The drive to Malibu wasn't too long, we arrived at around 8:30, after getting food and all. I walked Bowie out of the car and Braeden carried all the necessities, the food and the blanket. Today was a nice light breeze, but not too bad. It was dark, but still beautiful.

We sat there, and we ate. It was quiet, but I felt such ease in the way both Braeden and Bowie's heads laid against me.

"I know you won't tell me everything that happened." Braeden whispered into my ear, and now I sighed because he was doing it again.

"Stop." I shook my head, and he giggled a little, watching my small smile. "Just a bad day, B."

"Well, see you say that but just a bad day doesn't make someone feel like that. I get that you don't wanna pile your problems onto my plate or whatever you feel like it is, but please do." I laughed at this, and his smile grew.

"I'll fix them."

"As sweet as that is, you can't fix them." I smiled, wiping his cheek with a napkin and smiling up at him.

"So there is a problem?" He quirked an eyebrow, I groaned and his arm went around my neck, pulling me in to kiss my head.

"It's just work." I shrugged, "I just feel exhausted and I was missing you, and I just wondered if my personal problems were gonna keep hurting my life so much."

Everytime something happened, Braeden always figured it out. I could be quiet, angry, sad, anything - and he could find out exactly why. Which was crazy, because I hated opening up, but he had such good ways of getting me to.

He knew exactly what would work, and he never missed.

"You're on break for a bit, yeah? I'm here now, the next time I leave you're coming with me and, only if you let them. But can I tell you a secret?" He asked, putting out trash in one bag.


"Never met someone as good at balancing their problems as you. I think you're the person I look up to the most when I don't feel good." His smile as he said this was one of sincerity, he tilted his head a bit and I listened closely. "You feel, you handle it, and you keep going, and I admire you every day for it."

I hated crying in front of people, but with Braeden I did all the time, my eyes watered a bit now and he was quick to wipe my tears, kissing my cheek before kissing my lips softly, and slowly.

"Come on," he urged, keeping his arm around me after we pulled away, "Let's finish."

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now