𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘦

614 8 12

Angsty so if ur sad don't make ur self sadder
Not proofread

When you argue with someone you love, you sit and think about it, and find a way to make up.

With these two, it had been a week, and the worst week ever. Both Braeden and Y/n mutually agreed on a break but they both knew not many people came back from breaks at all, so what guaranteed they would.

The fact that they didn't ever want a break to start with is probably what would, if one would just admit that, they're problems would be solved.

The worst part was that they were both in the city, Y/n sat at home in her old room, sticking her legs into the air as she reread the text message various times.

alright then, if that's what you want.

She had only liked it when he sent it, and she regretted that even more.

Braeden sat in his somewhat new home, also staring at his phone only from his couch he sat at, in his living room. He'd like an excuse to go back to hers and say something but he had nothing.

He figured at this point she might've been better off without him.

But as he looked around he took notice to the light blue sweater, that was hers.

It had been around an hour that he sat there and contemplated whether or not he should bring it back, and finally he decided to.

He took the sweater, and headed outside. After shutting his front door he looked up to see the flustered girl, Y/n, who's eyes widened as she practically froze.

"Hi." They both spoke at the same time, and Braeden handed over her sweater, tilting his head.

"Did you come for this?"

Hell no she did not, but now to admit anything otherwise would be embarrassing, so she thought in this moment.

"Yeah." Her voice was small as she said this and she took the sweater, turning around.

He nodded, watching her and after she walked farther away and stopped and held her own hands, clearly nervous.

Braeden waited for her, just like he waited for her in every other situation ever.

"Actually." She turned, and he acted as if he wasn't just standing there the whole time.

"I wanted to talk."

"Let's talk." He opened his door up, allowing her to walk in and she slowly did, finding comfort in the smell of his house and how the temperature was just how she liked it.

He didn't like it that way, but this past week he kept it how she did.

"I don't want a-"

"A what? A break?" Braeden jumped to conclusions quickly as he locked his door behind him, and it almost startled her.

She would've denied but making eye contact with him, staring at his perfect eyes she very much realized there was no reason in this world to deny.

"No. I didn't want a break." She began, and he was going to speak but she didn't let him. "Because people don't come back from those and I want to come back." She pointed to the floor meaning his house, meaning him as a whole. "And I don't understand what went wrong, but you let that go very easily."

Braeden stammered in response, holding his hand out before finding what to say. "You did too!"

"Because I was scared, Braeden." She shrugged helplessly. "I've been in one relationship my whole life, it went a while but I don't know anything about being in a relationship when you're not a 15 or 16 year old. It's different now."

"Okay, well you didn't have to agree to the break. I never wanted that either."

"You didn't." She asked this in a deadpanned tone, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion at how quickly he answered.

"No, why would I?" He questioned. "Like you said, people don't come back from those I want to come back to you."

Braeden was always good with his wording, and his black hoodie looked so comfortable to hug right now, but y/n stood still, nodding.

"So now what?"

"What do you mean now what?" Braeden asked, almost scoffing. "You don't want to do anything about this?"

"I do!"

"Then work on it." He shrugged, setting down his phone. "Work on it, just like I am."

"I'm sorry. How are you working on it?" She shifted from one leg to another, sassing him clearly.

"By telling you what you need to hear. And telling myself that too." Braeden firmly spoke, and as he watched her almost shrink as she listened he wanted to die because he felt so bad to be this hard on her when she was new to this just as she explained. But what he was telling her was completely right, and she knew that.

"Sorry." He spoke softly.

She nodded, all in all accepting his apology because she liked how he put her in check. "You can fix it with simple stuff first." He went on.

"Like not getting mean." He spoke this to himself, sitting back on his couch and allowing himself to rant. "I don't like not coming home to you or your FaceTime calls. I love you too much to take any breaks at all."

Y/n stared for a minute, she'd never heard that in her entire life. She now only took a seat beside him, looking up to meet his eyes that were very gentle in the moment, and very sad.

"I'm sorry." She whispered this, and her hand made its way to his cheek. He closed his eyes for a short second, cherishing the feeling before responding.

"I'm sorry too."

Braeden usually always gave cheek kisses to y/n but he hadn't now, he hadn't because she gave him one, making it soft and long, just like he always did for her.

His hands slipped around her, hugging her waist and hers met behind his neck as she leaned against him. There might've been time to acknowledge what they clearly needed to work on, but it was very nice to sit in this moment and give each other what they'd been missing this past week.

Ew angst
It's fun to write tho

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