𝘷𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺

399 7 14

pt 1 :)

The many times Braeden tried to get me out of bed didn't work. I was a petty girl, and I was still sad he'd be gone for Valentine's Day, even though I know he has to go.

"Come on, please." He pleaded, and now I decided I'd get up, and listen to him. "We can go eat."

Now it was even easier to listen. I looked over to him, and he smiled a little before helping me up.

The next few hours went by a lot faster than I wanted them too, of course it did. The days before Braeden always went so fast.

We finished eating now and it was dark outside, I already felt my stomach hurting because I was sad, and he parked outside of a small shop before getting out, and leaving me in the car.

I assumed it was just a quick stop, and that's what it started as but I spent a long time in the car before he returned, opening the back doors of our car and stuffing bags in.

"What's that?" I turned back over to him when he took his place in the drivers seat.

"My mom needs me to drop off this stuff. Do you mind if we go?" I shook my head, and immediately he started the car.

The drive was long and quiet, because of the traffic. Braeden didn't say a word the whole time and I probably deserved that. We got to his house, he pulled out his key, and let us in.

He set one of the two bags he held, pulling out flowers for his mom, and she loved them. Their house was always so warm and peaceful, I enjoyed coming here the times we did.

After talking to David and Michelle a little, Braeden grabbed another bag, and took me upstairs.

He opened the door to his room, which was pretty cold, and super clean.

There were some posters up on his wall but overall, he still had a good amount. His bed was soft, small, and the sheets were colorful.

"Alright." He grunted, sitting down on the floor and taking out the many things he had bought. I sat there, admiring his room and the pictures of him that were hung up.

I've been here many times and every time it got better.

I know it might sound stupid, but maybe you can understand that seeing your boyfriend before he was your boyfriend is pretty cool, especially considering Braeden was always the sweetest.

"I don't want you to think I don't want to be home." He turned now, holding some flowers like the ones he got his mom, and some other treats which was sweet. I smiled immediately and felt stupid.

I felt even more stupid when he pulled out some cd's, clearly burned. "I know this isn't a lot. But if I could be home with you everyday I would, you know that right? Home basically equals you, so stop being sad, please." He pleaded, handing me the flowers and cd's first, which I took.

"Look at them." I handed my flowers over, tilting my head and he took a seat next to me, waiting for me to look at them.

"I was giving you your gift tomorrow, I left it at home-"

"I don't care." He smiled, laughing a little now, "Look." He urged.

Out of all the burned cd's I've received or even seen, these were the best.

The list went in chronological order of our timeline, so perfectly too. His handwriting was all over it, with little doodles and this was my favorite thing ever.

"I left your necklace at home, I'll give it to you tomorrow. Don't be mad."

I pushed his face away, groaning and shaking my my head. "I told you not to get me that much."

"This isn't that much, shut up." He laughed, his hand resting beside my leg before it moved to point out little details he put in the cd.

I noticed them all, but hearing him explain everything was cute.

"Thank you." I smiled, turning over and shutting my eyes in content as he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

His hands softly hugged my waist as he kissed my cheek and now I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"It's just one day." I shrugged, leaning further into him as he tilted his head, furrowing his brows.

"It's around a month."

𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now