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I've hadn't have that much ideas !! I want an unusual twist or a really amazing drama bomb.. If you have any ideas comment at the end of this chapter, you will get full credit. Thanks a bunches :-) 



Asher's POV 

I woke up with the world's worst hangover that morning. I totally blacked out! Was that Zayn in my bed ? I was super shocked when I saw blonde hair. What the duck happened ? I waited until I was fully clothed to scope out the seen. It was Niall Horan in my bed. I rather be hanged or drowned alive to let Arlene and the clique be upset with me and zone me out. Nova Nash was sweetheart at heart and I totally stole the guy she was attracted to. I didn't remember anything, really. So I did the smart thing, my friend Iris volunteered to help me set up the scene. I messed up her hair, she undressed, and got into the bed. I played like I slept the couch. When Niall woke up, he was hysterical. 

"Hey babe",Iris said. 

"What the hell", Niall yelled. 

"Its only a fling, I won't call you", Iris said gathering her clothes. 

Niall looked a little hurt, but knew he wouldn't call her anyway. I walked in, yawning. Actually, I'm quite an actress and exaggerated a little bit. 

"Niall, Iris what the hell", I yelled.  

Niall flinched, how could he be surprised if he was in my house. I had a feeling the clique set me up. My hangover wasn't that horrific, I remembered bits and pieces of the night. I watched as Niall and Nova went together in the cab. I left alone. When I was drunk, I only slept in my shoes. The clique probably did investigating and I could smell it.  

"I went home with Nova", Niall yelled. 

"I remember clearly, I only had two shots last night ",Niall added. 

Arlene made it too clearly. I found her precious Gucci hat in the corner of my room. I was probably too wasted and they dragged me inside my house. They even tried to make it seem that Niall and I slept together. I almost believed it. I called her that same minute and asked her to meet 

me around the corner. I wore her beloved hat on purpose. 

"Like my hat, I just found it on my floor", I told her. 

"I'm not dumb, I know you did it. You really insulted my intelligence,babe", I added.  

She seemed a bit pissed and I left her the same way she left me last night. Revenge was great and it suited me nicely. When she was ready to jump, I was one step ahead. Immediately I got a call from Eleanor.  

"Hey, Asher", Eleanor said. 

"Arlene was the one who did it, I left, she added. 

At least she was the only human one out of the group. Arlene Nash was just a big tormentor and used that nice act as a cover-up. Eleanor couldn't escape the group, it was like the mafia, stay in, die in. No turning back. Well, if you lye down with the dogs you get the flees. Probably that why Nova didn't hang around her big sister that much. She was cold as a stone and demolished everything in her past. Arlene Nash should bash towns in Tokyo. It suited her face well. 


I got an interesting text from Asher. I thought she was over me, but apparently not. What could she possibly want ? I followed her instructions and met her by her apartment. 

"Hi Hazza", Asher said sweetly. 

Her blonde hair was still looking incredible, even though her red roots were visible.  

"Hi love, what's the matter", I asked her. 

"Arlene, wants to see me miserable", Asher replied. 

I wasn't really surprised, but I just didn't want to believe it. 

"No way", I added. 

I could tell Asher was telling the truth. It wouldn't be the first time Arlene messed up someone's life. I wanted to stop her and I would. 

"I'll stop her",I said. 

"Thanks Haz", Asher said. 

"I'll help you", she added. 

I was frozen when Asher kissed me on my forehead. Right then and there, I remembered that I missed her. I headed back to Arlene' s town house with anger in my eyes. I was fed up with her antics. I banged on her door furiously. 

"Don't you dare, pull those tricks on Asher", I said angrily. 

"If you do we are over and I promise you we will be", I added. 

All Arlene could do was have a sort of expression on her face. It made me sick to my stomach. She was cold blooded reptile, a snake if you ask me. 

I couldn't say a more to her. If I did, I will wake in a ditch. Arlene was that crazy. I had to talk to Liam, hopefully Dani will spill the beans. They tell each other everything.

_____ Before I write anymore, I'm soo sorry for the Asher & Harry scene. I really needed some drama. Please don't left that part affect your views on the book. Thanks the amount of read loves !! :*  


As I came home, I saw a young couple. They looked so in love . I wanted what they had. To only look at someone and feel love and compassion was a blessing. Asher couldn't make me happy that way, nor Arlene.  

Most paps say that I'm a heart breaker and glob, but I've had my heart broken too. By Asher and many exes, I couldn't help it but break some other girls hearts too. Probably, I could take a page or two from Asher's book. I would go soul searching and what better place is that than NewYork City. Yeah, It can be a little noisy, but I loved the Big Apple. Seeing fans and all could probably help me realize my new path. Whatever I chose, I wouldn't leave One Direction. I loved the band and the guys too much to throw it all down the drain. I've been getting some calls lately. The last one I received was "REGRET". 

1 Hour Later.................. 

* 911 Call *  

Hello, are you Mr.Harry Styles. The operator said. 

I actually thought this was one of the fans crazy ideas of a prank call. 

"Yeah", I said. What could possibly happen, I thought.  

" Ms. Asher Edwards has been shot", the operator added. 

I instantly dropped my phone and grabbed my leather jacket. I almost crashed my Range Rover while driving to the ER. As I walked into the room, the rest of the boys were already there. Zayn was in pieces, he was mess. He even started cutting himself too. I saw the scars as I stood by Asher's hospital bed. Asher seemed lifeless and dead already. I heard the slightest cough and yelled her name.  

It was her alright. All I heard were bits of words. 

"Arlene did it. Love you", Asher said. 

As she closed her eyes, the meter went flat. Tears flowed down my cheeks. As the doctors rushed into the room, Images of Asher and I' s time together rolled before my eyes. What I felt was real and I was in so much pain. 

The nurse said that Asher is in a small coma, they don't even know when she will wake up. I will follow the rivers for her, even if it involved waiting. Only a month passes by, I have a scruff. So not like me. I was in Asher's hospital room, playing subway surfer. 

"Harry", a voice said.  

I dropped my phone, it was Asher Edwards smiling at me.

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