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   Two weeks have gone by since Zayn and I moved in together. So far it's been wonderful but I'm beginning think it isn't all daisies and butterflies. He's been on the phone a lot lately. I've been beginning to investigate. If he was cheating again, I don't know what I would do. Should I take it into my own hands? Immediately, I called him. A girl answered his phone, her voice was familiar. 

                 “Who is this?" I asked.

                 "Um, I'm so sorry" the girl answered. 

                 "What's your name?" I asked again.

Before I received an answer, the person hung up.  It dawned on me that the voice of the girl was Ariane. I raced downstairs and kicked open her door.  I wasn't that shocked to see her and Zayn together. In bed. 

                "Get up!" I shouted

Zayn immediately got up. 

              "Not you, your whore" I said angrily.

Ariane stepped out of bed and wrapped her body in a chiffon robe. My first instinct was to punch her in her face.

               "How long has this been going on?" I asked.

I got no answer.

               "Answer me" I shouted in anger


               "Two months now" Zayn replied.

               "Hush up, you bastard" I snarled at him.

All of a sudden, I went into attack mode. How can she do this to me? She was my closest friend! Oh, how I wanted to get even. I will. No doubt about that one.

              "Since this slut wants to dance, I'll dance all right" I said calmly.

              "Get up" I shouted. 

As Ariane got up I knocked her back down. 

              "Don't have any more moves since you’ve taken a ride on my boyfriend? God damn you. Of all damned people. You filthy back-stabber." I snapped.

Ok, I probably went over the top, but I wanted her to hurt like she gutted me. Giving her one last slap, I threw the ring at Zayn.

             "Get your crap and go, we are over" I said calmly. 

I cried as I ran back to my apartment. That person that just did that wasn't Asher Edwards. That was a side of me I didn't even know existed. I fixed my hair in the simplest bun ever and threw Zayn's belongings down the steps. Anger took over me and it stayed that whole day. To think that I agreed to marry the bastard. I must’ve been freaking high. Zayn Malik was dead to me now. Our relationship was rocks at the bottom of Pacific Ocean. As I was packing up the rest of Zayn's crap, my doorbell rang. 

             "Get the hell out of my life you bastard" I yelled as I opened to door. 

To my surprise, it was Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry. They all looked at me as if I belonged in a mental hospital. The blood from Ariane's face was still on my hands. 

          "Uh, Hey guys" I said calmly.

         "We are here to see Zayn" the four said. 

         "His stuff is downstairs, if you can’t see" I said angrily.

The boys looked at the blood on my hands then to me. 

         "Is Zayn alive?" Louis asked, fear apparent on his face.

         "Of course" I said laughing.

         "What happened?" Harry asked. 

  Before I answered their questions, I invited them in.

          "The reason why I’ve got blood on my hands is because I just beat someone up" I said calmly.

          "Was it Zayn" Niall asked nervously.

          "Nope, it was Ariane Duncan" I replied.

All of them looked relieved. 

          "Where's Zayn" he asked again.

          "I'll get him" I added smiling.

I ran downstairs and kicked open her door again. I punched Ariane in the stomach. 

          "Come here", I shouted.

Ariane stepped forward nervously.   

          "Both of you" I added calmly.

I lead both of them upstairs, and threw Ariane on the floor. Her face was bruised, lips busted, and two black eyes.

           "Here he is" I said smiling.

The boys examined Ariane's face.

            "What happened?" they asked, astonishment across their faces. 

           "Care to tell them sweetie" I said sweetly.

I could tell that he was nervous and shaken. 

          "Well, I;ve been cheating on Ash for the past two months with her best friend Ariane" Zayn said.

          "This time, she caught me in the act" he added.

          "Did you do this to her face" Harry asked him.

          "No, I did" Asher added.

They couldn't understand the hurt that I went through. It was easy for them to cast judging glances. 

          "I didn't know you had it in you" Harry said laughing.

All of them laughed along with him. 

         "Wouldn't you do the same?" I asked. 

All they could do was stare at each other. They knew I was right. Their glances told me everything I needed to know.

       "Well Zayn, it's time for you to get your stuff, which is downstairs, and leave" I added sternly.

       "But, babe" Zayn said.

I immediately cut him off.

      "Babe, my ass" I interrupted. 

Zayn got dressed and left my apartment. I made sure he left in shame. 

Revenge felt sweet but it made me feel guilty. The boys were still in my apartment. I was never a good host and don't plan on being one anytime soon.

       "So, guys, how's life?" I asked.

       "We didn't come here to discuss that" Niall said. 

        "We came to figure out how you want to live your life" Liam added.

        "So who’s it going to be? Me or Zayn?" Harry asked her.

My mind felt as if I was at war. I was petrified at this moment. Would my life be better with Harry or should I work things out with Zayn? I was really crazy to say this after he cheated on me. After all he done, how can I still love him? 

         "You have to make a choice. Now or never" Louis said.

I needed time to think, I needed space. For the first time, I didn't feel like I had to answer a question. 

         "I can't think, I'm too upset", I added.

         "Call me when you made up your mind", Harry said.

As they left, I felt as if I was a ticking time bomb. Only fate decided when and where I would explode. I knew Zayn was planning revenge. Now it was time for me to plan my next step.

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