Taking Chances

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Chapter 24

Taking Chances


"If only the clock could rewind, I'll make things different with you"


No Ones Pov

If only the clock could rewind, Ed would surely make things different with Asher. He meant it when he said during the time or at the time of his death he'll love Asher. Ed kept that promise that day. His body was completely crushed by a car colliding with his Mercedes, which caused of it to tail spin onto the free way. Ed however, wanted to die in some way. He felt as if no one would ever truly love him so, he gave into the fight.

Slowly drifting into a land cascaded with white silk and snowflakes, Ed saw the one and only Asher Edwards. Right then and there he confessed his love and the desire to make her heart his. Ed died happy knowing that Asher at least knew about his feelings.

If you've ever had anything or anyone you cherished fall from your grip as sand or a piece of paper, you could understand Ed....

Everything or any problem can't be or become a Lego House . Sometimes, things or people that are broken cannot be fixed or healed.

Love is a powerful element but it isn't just. Everyone doesn't find this powerful element called "love". If they do it isn't returned .

Ed felt like rocks at the way side .......




If only they could have heard his silent life cries or how many times that thin chunk of metal collided with his soft pale skin. His longing for love. The love that never came ...

Asher's Pov

There I stared at the bubbly ginger I once knew. The young lad who was there when I fell and always ready to play me a song on his guitar. The life that was once held in him was slowly draining like scoops of sand purring from my grip. I felt as if my walls were caving in ! Since Ed and I restored our friendship, it felt as pieces if the past intertwined with the present. The girl next door and the fury ginger against the world.

If Ed only knew what life had in store for him maybe he wouldn't have give in so easily to the fight....

He always reminded me to lead with an iron fist and to let my heart do that same .. Why couldn't he do that ?

I couldn't help but blame myself for Ed' s death !! I should of been there, fighting for him or with him. By know my jaw was sore because of the uncontrollable clenching and my eyes were all red and puffy.

If only I would of been there as a best friend who was committed . ..

I gathered my bag and gave Ed a quick peck on the cheek.. I felt so depressed . I had to do this ...

It was the only way I could forgive myself. .

I walked past the nursing station, took a pair of scissors, and locked myself into the women's bathroom. I took one brief look myself, murmured words of sorrow and began cutting my hair.

I grabbed Harry's bright orange beanie from my tote and yanked it over my head. I walked out of the hospital and made my way into a hair salon.

30 MINUTES LATER...... ..

I feel totally transformered .. I have a chic female version of a quiff and a tattoo in Ed' s honor on my back.

I had already contacted his mum and family to start making preparations for his farewell. I would miss my best mate ...

The he sucks at Fifa or his laugh ..

How he strings his acoustic ...

The feeling he gives off on stage..

His beautiful voice and music...

One thing I know is that Ed' s in a better place now

He's with the angels making sweet music

One day, I'll be up there singing with them

Until then my mind will always be on you

Friends Dead or Alive

I'll always Love you Ed

More than any other person can ever give your or you can ever receive

I'll miss you Ed

Rest in Peace

A/N: Thanks for the patience guys .. I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I'll try my best to do it more frequently .. I've been trying to make movements throughout the summer :D

Enjoy and comment :)

- 真に Yoko x'

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