Burgundy Skies

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,Thanks for the reads love!! I've been having wroter block lately so sorry if this chapter is short. I've actually wrote this before but, the part was mistakenly deleted. Enjoy 

-Yoko :* 

Harry's POV 

My heart fluttered as I heard Asher greet me. She looked pale, horrible, and exhausted. I can sense she knew she wasn't going to make it.  

Her words were, " Keep strong Harry, never give up, be happy, move on, live a happy life for me . I love you, keep having faith in what you and One Direction. I love all of you guys. Tell Zayn not to hurt himself and not to take this too hard. Tell him I'll, never stop loving him. Tell Liam, I'll miss my big brother and to take care of himself, even to try to find Mrs.Payne even. I'll always watch over him and I love you Daddy Direction. Tell Louis that he will always be my buddy even when I'm dead or alive. Tell Niall to keep having fun and never stop laughing. Tell everyone I love all of them. Tell my mom to take it easy and I'll watch over her and Dad." 

As I kissed her forehead, she shakes tremendously and foamed by the mouth. I was pulled out of the room by a team of doctor's. My body froze as I yelled for her, receiving no answer. The last resort was the razor. I slid the metal blade across my wrist. I remembered the times Asher and I had shared. Her laugh and her beauty, inside and out. I felt lightheaded. I played on the bathroom floor bleeding and waiting to leave peacefully. As I closed my eyes, I drifted and said bye. I was the greeted by a shadow. I felt a strong connection between us as if I knew her all my life. She spoke to me kindly and told me to be strong, it wasn't my time to go yet and she will always be watching over me. As my soul returned to my body from the mist of clouds, I heard an extreme amount of grieve. I noticed that the shadow was ......... Asher Edwards. She died that day and I felt lost without her. I wanted Arlene to pay for what she did, I wanted to murder her. I set my hatred aside and I delivered Asher's goodbyes. I wished it was a dream but, I had to face reality. Zayn felt as if he couldn't live without her. He even tried to commit suicide. Asher completed him and held him together, without her there was no Zayn Malik. Liam even shaved his head and got. couple of tattoos and started drinking. This was so it Daddy Direction. Niall didn't even touch his Nandos, which was like him. Louis just sat in a corner for days without sleeping. I became a pale hollow shell of myself. Asher's funeral was peaceful and lovely. A few weeks after I tried to move on, but it didn't feel right. I knew she would of been mad if I didn't but I tried.  

I got call from Johan. He was Asher's driver in Italy and heard about her death. Johan had some surprising to tell me, when Asher came to Italy she was pregnant with two twin boys. Their names were Bay and Dash, and Johan promised Asher he would raise them. I suddenly realized that that was the reason Asher always went to Italy when she had the chance. Not even her mother knew about it. Johan was really getting old and planned for them to stay in London. Can I possibly be the father? I remembered sleeping with Asher before she left to Italy. I asked Johan who was the father. 

Johan cleared his throat," A man named Harry Styles." 

I dropped the phone on complete shock, how can I be a father.  

They boys were 6 years old. I could understand why Asher didn't tell me. She always felt as if she came between Zayn and I' s friendship. 


Harry's Pov 

I was in shock when I saw my children. They were clones of Harry Styles but with Asher's independent and happy spirit. I've been getting some phone calls lately, the person sounds just like Asher. I knew it couldn't have been reality so I didn't focus on it, I had to be strong for my children. Asher did teach them how to speak English, Bay reminded me of her so much. How he laughs or smile is exactly how his mother did. 

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