Is This My New Beginning ?

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A/N: I know I haven't updated in a while my Neon Pandas :( I've been very busy lately with my studies and Prom is coming up :D Buutt.. Let's get to the best part of this !!!

(Drum Roll)

OH MY FLIPPING FlACK, WE REACH OVER 5,000 READS AND 180 VOTES!! Thanks A Heepers :D You Lovely People are the J in JELLO, which is awesome cause I LOVE JELLO and any other forms of FOOD!!

Keep reading and voting <3

I talk A LOT so I'm gonna hush my Clappers and Let's go on with the story Shall We ?


Check Ya Laters


Harry's Pov


I charged in the Emergency Room with swollen puffy eyes. The boys and I were just finishing our song, which was slowly mending our broken spirit. I had no clue what would happen to Asher, the love of my life, mother of my children. Sounds a tad bit weird to say this at only 19 years old but I have no problem accepting it. Snapping back to reality, I made my way over to the reception desk. I hope they don't give me a hard time. The only person I want to spend the rest of my life might lose her life. You might say this is my STANK MUCH moment. (A/N: My best mate @luvv_zae and I always say this when someone has an attitude)

"I'm here to find out about Asher Edwards in Room 1214 (A/N: My Existence Day !! :) Lol, that was type LAME)"

"Of Course, Your Mr. Styles. Well Ms. Edwards is in critical condition and is in cardiac arrest due to her abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias. We have to treat immediately or there will be a serious consequence. Death"

It felt as if the world came to a halt and my hear collided with my ribcage. (A/N: I'm a total Science Nerd :) ) I had to chose the best decision. I wasn't very skilled with decision making processes or just decision making on a whole. Personally, I would want the operation, but what would Asher want. She would want to see the kids again and would want to miss out on their lives or hers.

I sighed and took one breath of fresh air as my mind pondered.



Asher's Pov

•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°

My body felt stiff and I have an excruciatingly horrid headache. I wiggled all the strength I had to open my eyes. They couldn't even do it. If you haven't noticed, I'm a fighter and I fight for what I want. I wouldn't let death get me not this time. I just wouldn't....

I was finally able to pry my eyes open and the very first thing I did was scream. It was Arlene Nash AGAIN !! Doesn't this chick have a life, cause I certainly do. I caught one glimpse of Harry's greenish blue orbs . He saw me, and our eyes were linked for about a good 3 minutes. I guess he was staring in disbelief, I know I definitely would. To break him away from his daydream, I screamed his name and DAM.....

I fell harshly on the uncomfortable hospital bed and felt my eyes roll backwards. The last thing I heard my name, which was crazily being screamed by the boys of One Direction. The boys I quickly had learn to love, my brothers. The dark was consuming me and I ...........

I ........

I....... (A/N: Just teasing you here :D)

I fought it

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