Into the Rush

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Asher's Pov

I woke up filled with exhilaration. I was finally able to grasp my life before it was out of my reach. I was grateful to Nova Nash, she helped me escape from the hell hole. If it wasn't for her, I would of been lost in a valley of dreams and shadowy figures. My mind began to waiver around Harry's gigantic house. I can see he hasn't forgotten me since my absence. He had pictures of me plastered on the mantle. I didn't expect this to have this great impact on him and our children. I loved Harry to life's limits, I was absolutely starstruck when we shared our passionate kiss last night. I felt complete for the first time in my adult life. I walked into his bedroom at a fast pace and placed a kiss on his cheek. The healing pink marks running down his wrists caught my attention immediately. Did I do this to him? How can I cause the man I love so much pain? I felt salty water pooling down my face as I whimpered in disbelief. I couldn't help but run away. I ran as fast I could away from Harry's supposedly dream home. Did I mention I forget my shoes? I just ran where the wind led me in my shorts and Ramones tank top. As I stopped panting out of breath, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Asher, what are you doing ?"

I turned around with a shocking expression on my face.


Harry's Pov

I woke up to the slamming of the door and the smell of Daisy by Marc Jacobs. I panicked as I realized Asher left. Was it something I did or said?

How can I let her leave again? I couldn't leave Bay and Dash or tell them that their mum left them again, but this time by choice. My hand traced the imperfect wounds on my wrist. They were still pink, but on the journey of healing. The guys didn't know I self harmed myself and that's the way it should stay. My head swelled with fear and panic. To get my mind off of things, I took an ice cold shower. As the water pooled onto my tanned skin, I felt as I could breathe again. An excessive amount of weight had been lifted off my shoulder, all I needed was to have Asher back in my life with my children. I dressed in a pair of black Jack Wills sweats and my Hipsta Please t-shirt. I made pancakes and bacon for the boys. My cooking skills were definitely paying off. The boys ate their breakfast greedily, which reminded me of their Uncle Niall. Asher hasn't returned yet, I pulled of my iPhone and texted Connie.

To: Conster ^·^

From: Hazza <><>

"Cons, Ash ran out and I don't know where she is. Dropping the boys at school soon and going to the studio. I need your help !!!"

From: Conster ^·^

No worries Bro-Law !! I'm on the mission :)

Connie helped me a lot with the boys. She was a exceedingly great Aunt and the boys were glad to have her. If only Asher knew how much she meant to me. If she did, we would be sitting with the boys watching Toy Story. This was only a fantasy, not reality.


Asher's Pov

I turned around to see my best friend since year 4 staring down at me.

"Oh my gosh, Ed how are you", I sounded like I was 8 again.

Yes, my best friend is Ed Sheeran. I really did keep my personal life a maze game. Could you blame a girl for being secretive, if you dated 2/5 of the hottest boy band One Direction. I squeezed him lovingly and giggled uncontrollably as he gasped for air.

"I can't complain, I'm living my dream. I missed you Ash, we should hang out", Ed said smiling.

"I'm actually on my way home, come on"

Ed and I swapped numbers and made our way back to Harry's supposedly dream home. As I opened the door there stood frantic Harry. He looked as if he was having a heart attack. Ed gasped in total disbelief.

"Harry", Ed yelled.

"Ed", Harry jumped up and down with excitement and grabbed Ed into a brotherly hug.

"Haz, why didn't you tell me you're dating my best mate mate", Ed questioned.

Ed was always over protective with the boys I dated. I always loved him for his brotherly side. It made me feel as if I had an old piece of Asher Edwards with me.

"I thought I was your best mate", Harry added sounding heart broken.

"She's my first best mate", Ed said smiling.

"Ed and I were best mates since year 4. We were both know as " The Ginger Jesus twins", that's how we bonded. He is like my older brother and I encouraged him to pursue a career as a singer. The only thing is that he wanted me to do the same but, I couldn't find the determination to do it", I added.

Ed was absolutely shocked when Bay and Dash were finally reveal and the story of my abduction. I saw Ed' s jaw clench and fist tighten as I mentioned Arlene Nash. I became worried, Ed wasn't the type of person to react in violence. His personality reflected his music, beautiful, sweet, touching, and heart warming. I exchanged glances with Harry, I could tell he was a little eager to kiss me. I didn't allow him however, I wanted to connect with my best friend and invite the boys over for brunch, since I missed breakfast.


Ed' s Pov

I was so ecstatic when I saw Asher's beautiful twin boys. I always pictured this as our life together but, it was too late. I guess I was a horrible best mate to abandon our friendship and made new ones with the boys of One Direction. Her happiness was all I thought about. How would Asher feel if she was always in the spotlight and getting hate on Twitter. I know she's strong, determined, and outgoing but, I didn't want her to get insecure about herself and her life.

I was a little pissed off that Harry didn't tell me but, I'm not the type of guy to react in violence. However, I wanted to make Arlene Nash suffer terribly. She tortured and tormented my best mate, how could she. From all the years I knew her, I wouldn't conceive the thought of hurting her. Asher went through enough with Zachary and now this Arlene chick. If Harry wasn't ready to defend her, I would always be there for her. Even in the snow, a natural disaster, rain, or hail I'll be there for her as a brother and best mate.

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