Chapter 2.5

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Dyanna -

Alessa and I walked back to our rooms after finding out what was planned for the both of us without us knowing. I should have known. But here we are stuck where we are being watched by the soldiers around the palace and the spies that our mother has along with our father's as well.


2 months later

2 months ago Eddard Stark reached back after speaking with Robert Baratheon. Where he was able to cool his head.

And where there was a wedding held inside the capital, Lady Sansa Stark was the one to marry Prince Aemond Targaryen. Dyanna and Alessa along with Arya stood inside the sept for wedding and the party.

They had the time of their lives for main part. They drank their full of the wine, a few fights as well. But after a week of Sansa's wedding Eddard as the King if he can take his daughter back home to Winterfell and the king said yes. Dyanna and Alessa had their things packed as well but were stopped by Rhaenyra, their mother. The tension between each other was getting worse each day.

Getting to the present. As two months passed as Lord Eddard Stark was back as his role as Master of laws was more than for finding matches for Dyanna and Alessa. But the girls were not happy for it all.

As right now Alicent, Rhaenyra, Harwin and Criston Cole along with the girls traveled to the house Mallery to try their luck with a chance of an husband.

But the girls are putting their foot down.


Dyanna and Alessa sitting inside the main room of the house Mallery looking over the flood of lords wanting their hands in marriage.

The girls were had long look on their faces, they were not enjoying themselves. They were not pleased that they have to put up with this stupid show.

" Next"

" Lord Devran of house Manning asking for the hand of Lady Alessa. "

Lord Devran bowed towards to Alessa and everyone else.

" What an honor to be presented in front of my lady. Your beauty does you more than good. If you chose me, our houses will thrive for the next thousands of years and where you will have blessed days by having as your husband and you being my lady wife."

Alessa said nothing.

" Next"

" Lord Simon Ryger of house Ryger asking the hand of Lady Dyanna."

" My lady, it will be great for us to join our houses together. Where each house will stand against any threat that will come our way."

Dyanna said nothing just like Alessa.

" Okay, thank you. Everyone out" Rhaenyra spoke.

Waiting everyone to leave the room. When everyone left the room Rhaenyra, Harwin, Criston and Alicent looked at the girls.

" I know this whole thing is not ideal but you two have to make the effort." Alicent said

" Oh, at least we agree on something. " Alessa said

" I went through the same thing even younger you two. It is not that bad, honestly. " Rhaenyra said as Harwin and Criston watched on.

" Dyanna and I have let this go on long enough. We have figured out what you four have been doing. That you would have us be married, to be far away from the wall and the army." Alessa said

" Yes. Is that wrong for us, your parents to do. To keep you two alive!" Criston cole yelled at Dyanna and Alessa.

" Cole is right. You are my daughter( looking Dyanna) and I will do everything in my power to make sure that you remain alive and in my sight!" Harwin shouted at Dyanna.

There was a pause between each of them before Alicent spoke up again.

" that is for tonight, you two go rest for the night. Where in the morning we will head up to harrenhal, Right Harwin. To set up more matches for you both. And you both will find your husbands." Alicent said

Dyanna looked at Alessa as Alicent spoke. Like they were having an conversation within their heads. The girls left going to their rooms making their plans for the north. To get over the damn wall.

In the dead of night Dyanna and Alessa got ready. Dressed in clothes they liked then dresses. Only packing what they would need on the journey. Getting out of the house without being seen by anyone they were able to get to some horses. Slipping out riding to Sow's Horn. Coming to a stop so Alessa could warg out, to see where they are going.

To get to the North they would have to pass Harrenhal, Harwin Strong home. Dyanna's father home and hers. They needed to pass it without being seen. It took them three days to get to harrenhal. During those three days that they were gone back at the house of Mallery Rhaenyra went to check on the girls because they did not come down for breakfast.

After a few minutes Rhaenyra came down the stairs.

" They are gone" .

Harwin went outside as Alicent put her head inside her hands. Cole went outside as well to alert the other guards.

Rhaenyra and Alicent went outside where Harwin come up to them.

" Two horses are gone, if we move fast I can be able to track the foot prints. To see which way they are going." Harwin said

" We know where they are going. They are heading to the North" Rhaenyra said

" they would have to pass Harrenhal to get to the north." Criston spoke

" And everyone at Harrenhal knows what they look like." Harwin mumbled

Harwin looked at Cole before both of them headed to their horses. As both of them rode in the direction of Harrenhal as fast as they could. Hoping that they will not get close to the north.


Dyanna and Alessa were able to get passed Harrenhal coming to a stop at the high road just trying to get a small break for themselves.

But there was an issue. Both of them heard horses feet hitting the ground hard, sounding like it was more than one. Turning around they saw about 20 men riding towards them. Alessa used her warg power to see who it was.

Tuning back in she looked at Dyanna.

" Shit. It's our father's. Ride! Go!" Alessa yelled. Both of the girls headed forward trying to get to the north but stopped when they came to the palisade village due to members of house Strong that was there. The girls turned their horses heading towards the bloody gate. Their father's hot on their trail along with their men. The girls got of their horses went to hide behind the rocks in the Vale. They knew that they would not be able to pass the bloody gate so the next best thing to do is go around it.

Cutting between the houses Arryn and Redfort they where able to see Ironoaks. But stopped when they got tackled by one of the men that came with their father's. Alessa got the man off Dyanna started to run again looking behind their father's were close to them.

They just needed to get to the water as they did do that. Both of them jumped on a ship that was heading to Braavos. Harwin and Criston missed their daughters by a hair before they jumped on the ship.

Harwin and Criston yelled into the air as they watched their daughters leave.

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