Chapter 2.6

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One year later

Dyanna and Alessa was in Braavos for a year. They stayed in every part of the city trying to stay hidden from their father's whom made it across the narrow sea. They did have some close calls when it came to their father's but in the end Harwin and Criston were able to get their daughters in Braavos.

The girls thought that they were safe, they let their guard down in the market that is when Harwin spotted them. Getting Criston's attention they both made their moves in the market. It became a chase, Dyanna getting tackled by her father and Criston running after Alessa.

Once Harwin and Criston grabbed their daughters they went to their ship heading straight home. So the only plan for the girls is to convince their father's to let them fight against the dead and hopefully their mother as well.

Harwin told the ship captain to set sail, the ship went against the narrow sea heading down to the bay of crabs in Westeros where they will head to Harrenhal before making their trip back to king's landing. But Rhaenyra was already in Harrenhal waiting for her daughters return.

It took a while for the four of them to head into the trip getting to harrenhal. Once they were brought into the home inside the main room of Harrenhal the girls saw their mother. Criston went to take a seat and Harwin did the same as they watched Rhaenyra rip into them. To them they were hoping that their mother can talk some sense into them.

But Dyanna and Alessa were not backing down.

" We did everything that you and Alicent wanted. To be dressed up and to be fake for court but Damn! Enough! Those type of things are not important. Fighting against what will happen sooner than late, where me and Alessa will be apart of with or without your permission, mother. You or anyone else will not stop us on this!" Dyanna yelled out getting fed up with everything.

As they were talking a letter arrived and handed to Harwin since he is the lord of Harrenhal. He read the letter then gave it to Criston. He too read the letter, then he called for Rhaenyra to stop handing her the letter.

" What is it?" Alessa asked

No one answered her. So she took the letter and read it herself.

" House Stark is done. House Stark is no more. Lord Eddard and Lady Stark with their runt child are dead. The new lord of the North is Ramsey Bolton. Pledge your loyalty to the new lord of the north"

Alessa and Dyanna were frozen but full of rage.

The deaths of Lord Eddard Stark and his Wife with Rickon traveled everywhere in the seven kingdoms getting to everyone. Jon that was now the lord commander of the night's watch after coming back to life heard the news of their deaths, having no clue about Bran nor Arya. If they are alive or not.

And in King's landing, Sansa became completely broken hearing the deaths of her father, mother and little brother not knowing where Bran and Arya went to. Sansa's husband, Aemond comfort his wife the best he could. The attack on the starks was uncalled for, since Sansa's family become Aemond's family. And he was going to fix that, make things better. To make the Bolton's pay the ultimate price for the crime that was done.

" Sansa, don't you worry about anything. I will take care of it that I promise. My mother will be here for you. I will make them pay, promise you. Just be here with our daughter and I will be back soon."

Aemond kissed Sansa then kissed his daughter before leaving heading to the dragon pit. Getting his dragon going to fly to the north to wipe out the Bolton's once and for all.

Sitting inside the castle of Harrenhal the Rhaenyra, Criston, Harwin and their daughters were sitting near the fire just in feeling numb on what they just read.

As they sat there not doing anything they heard something. Coming outside of Harrenhal they saw a dragon riding over them.

" Prince Aemond" Criston said

They watched as Aemond ride towards the north. Aemond gave the all clear to his dragon. His dragon burned down every man that was in the castle of the home of the starks. Killing every Bolton men that was using the castle. Then once every last man was dead he moved towards the dreadfort destroying that castle before making sure there was no more of the Bolton's left.

When he was done, Aemond felt happy that he accomplished that for his wife and his family. Aemond went back the way he came. But as he was passing over Harrenhal he saw Dyanna and Alessa as he passed them, he bowed his head in respect.

Aemond made his way back to king's landing. But did he?

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