Creepy Goop Man

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I watched as different expressions flooded Nightmare's face, eventually settling on an odd smirk. "You're quite feisty for a human." "" "It was a compliment, you're welcome. In any case, it's still unanswered as to why you've caused such emotional discourse among my followers. Would you be so kind as to detail to me what happened between you, your Sans, and Dust?" I shrugged and continued rubbing Papyrus's skull. "Sure, I guess." 

Nightmare sat down on the arm of the couch where Aliza was before, making Sans increasingly unnerved. "Okay, so Sans...or, Horror, I guess, tried to introduce me to his 'friends', even though Dust was kinda a piece of shit. He was quiet and, out of nowhere, attacked Sa- Horror. I got really pissed, especially when he tried to be all nice afterwards! Such a cock-sucking, little asshole." Papyrus stirred more, starting to shift a bunch. I assumed this uneasy feeling was Nightmare's doing.

"It's okay, Papy. You're safe." I placed a soft kiss to his forehead and rubbed his shoulder to try and calm him. Sans smiled a bit and patted my head before walking into the kitchen. "Hm...that is very telling. You see, (Y/N), Dust hates all humans, and you are no exception. However, for him to show the emotion he originally did, is...interesting to say the least. It wasn't anger, but sorrow. I suppose you reminded him of something from his world." I started tuning Nightmare out to focus on Papyrus, who was still freaking out a little.

"Look, Nightmare. As much as I'm not enjoying your weird fancy talk, you're presence is freaking Papy out. I dunno what it is, but your, like, existence is unnerving." Nightmare seemed a bit shocked, but his smirk quickly returned. "You are also very perceptive for a mortal, much less a human. I emit an aura of fear, so it is no wonder why he's feeling the effects. Are you unaffected?" "Nah, I just know how to bluff being brave. Had to. For her." "Who is this 'her' you speak of?"

I gestured slightly to Aliza, who was coloring on the floor while Sans sat by with a soda. "Aliza, she's like a little sister to me. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her. Probably go ape shit." Nightmare chuckled, a deep, terrifying noise. "I understand. I once had a brother and I once felt that way. No longer, though." "Did he die?" "No, he- why am I telling you this?! Are you some sort of God?!" The yelling made Papyrus stir again, so I continued to rub his shoulder and whisper kind things to him.

Once he calmed, I looked into Nightmare's single, cyan eye. "No, I'm just easy to talk to. People say that, at least." Nightmare's calm demeanor had shattered, and all I saw was a child desperately trying to grasp onto his past and forget it, simultaneously. "...Dust wishes to kill you, you know." "Let him try. If he can, kudos to him. My life never mattered. Just Aliza's." The sudden angsty thoughts didn't feel my own, yet I agreed completely.

"You are an interesting human, (Y/N). For your sake, let's hope not to meet in the near future. If we do, I can't promise I won't bring you as a gift to Dust." Nightmare stood and walked over to Sans, saying something incomprehensible, and then he left through the door. He slammed it, however, and woke Papyrus up. "Morning, Papy~" I cooed, making his face turn cherry red. "G-Good morning..," he said, really quiet. Stars, he was so cute when he was flustered.

"Aw, you're such a cutie, Papy~" His face became redder and he covered it with his large hands. "Th-Thank you, (Y-Y/N)..." I held back a laugh at how grossed out Aliza looked. Sans either didn't hear, or didn't care, because he continued on his merry way to doing fuck-all. I sighed and thought back to what Nightmare said:

"...Dust wishes to kill you, you know."

~Horror's POV~

I sighed and walked out of the room, just far enough to rub the crescent band on my wrist and get teleported to the mansion. Once I did, I saw Killer vegging out on the couch. "Heya, Horror. How's the human?" I sighed and walked away, ignoring him. "Oooookay, then." I walked to Dust's room and pounded on the door. He opened it, glaring at me. "We need ta talk, Dust." He sighed and looked away before opening it wider. 

It was in total disarray, things thrown around and broken, bones stuck in walls and burn marks from blasters. "...what." I sat on his bed and watched as he stood with his arms crossed, his eyes angry and tired. "I know ya hate (Y/N), but they're really not that bad! Hell, even Boss was nice ta 'em!" Dust seemed taken aback, a bit. "Boss...was nice to them?" "Yeah! I get it, yer world gave ya a bad impression of humans, but so did mine! Ya don't seem me trying ta kill 'em."

Dust raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I tried ta kill a lot of 'em, but not (Y/N)! I gave 'em a chance. Because someone I trusted said they were fine. Don't you trust me?!" Dust went quiet before sighing and rubbing his neck. "Of course I do, Horror...I just-" "Then give (Y/N) a chance. For me." Dust went quiet before nodding. "Okay, I...okay..." I smiled and got up, patting his shoulder as I left. Good. I'm glad he finally shut up about that stupid 'all humans are evil' shit.

~Dust's POV~

I sighed and sat on my bed. 'You're being weak, brother. It's a human. Just kill it, already.' I shook my head. "Can't, Paps...can't do that to Horror..." Papyrus scoffed and disappeared, leaving me alone in my mess of a room. Trust a human? As if...but. But his Papyrus liked them. He showed them MERCY. And the human...they didn't kill him. They showed him MERCY, too. Maybe if...maybe if I showed them kindness, they would show me kindness, too?

Date: 9/30/22 21:37

Word Count: 1005

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