Halloween Special, PT. 3

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

"What the hell are they doing here?!" "B-Boss-" Horror stuttered, getting knocked back a bit. Suddenly, a bow was beside me, held by Dream. It was aimed right at Nightmare. Oh god, did I help them come here to kill us?! Did I just betray the only family I've ever really known?! Did I- "We're here for Halloween, Brother. You didn't think you'd get away with doing a party without me, did you?" It was quiet before Dream started laughing, walking up to Nightmare casually.

His hand grabbed onto Nightmare's elbow, which we thought would make him angry, but...he fucking smiled. "This one time. After this, we're killing you three. Understood?" We all began setting up, everyone completely relaxed. A knock on the door caused everyone to pause. Except for Sans, who ran there. He kept the door mostly shut as he talked quietly. It opened, revealing Farm. He saw me and rubbed his neck. "Oh, uh, heya (Y/N). 'S been a bit, hm?" "Yep, sure has, farmer boy. How're those delicious moon-drop grapes?"

He smiled and held up a bag with the grapes, which I snatched immediately. If I were a skeleton, my eyes would've gone starry. "Thanks, man!" Sans grabbed my arm before I could walk away. He pulled me outside with Farm and shut the door. "Huh?" "Look, (Y/N)...I wanted ta tell ya a while ago, but uh...we're...datin'..." I blinked twice, confused. "I-I'm gay..." "..." "(Y-Y/N)? Shit, I knew ya were gonna be mad! I shoulda-" "That's really cute, Sans." "...H-Huh?!" I snickered, seeing Sans's red face.

"I said it's cute. I kinda always thought you were gay, though. I'm glad you told me!" Sans rubbed his neck, Farm snickered. "Toldja they knew, love. Yer not really 'straight' lookin..." I snickered as Sans got more red. "S-Shush, you..." Farm winked at me before kissing Sans's cheek. "Yer so cute when yer shy, lovebug~" Sans looked like a tomato, making Farm and I laugh. He calmed down and pulled Sans into a gentle kiss that made my heart flutter. They really were a cute couple. We all relaxed and walked in, where Aliza was giving them a lenny face.

~On Halloween~

Killer was stripping on a table in front of Dream, Error had starting flirting with Nightmare, Cross was making out with Blue in a corner, Farm and Horror were dancing together, and Dust was completely trashed. I was feeling buzzed, but no where near the extent of everyone else. I did take a break from drinking to take Aliza and Papyrus to my house, away from the noise. They were both really sensitive to bright lights and noises, so it only made sense.

A skeletal hand made it way onto my stomach, pushing the fabric of my shirt up a little. "H-Hey, *hic* cutie~" I turned around, raising an eyebrow. Dust's face was purple, flushed from drinking. I pushed his hand off, not wanting to get into anything sinful with him (...yet-). He pouted, leaning forward into my space. He tried kissing me, but I put my hand over his mouth. "You're drunk, Dust. You should drink some water." He pouted again, grabbing my wrists and pinning them to my sides.

"Killz s-stripping for *hic* Dream, N-Night are Error are *hic* flirtin', C-Cross an' that lil *hic* lil shit a-are mouth f-fucking, a-and *hic* Horror's grindin' *hic* on Farm! I-It's our *hic* t-turn~" I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was mostly right, but Sans and Farm were still dancing all cute, doing little twirls and dips. Small kisses from time to time, but nothing like dry humping or anything. "They're also drunk." Dust sighed and gave up, walking away.

I continued drinking, letting my mind wander. Another skeletal hand was touching me, but this one was different. Not only was it an innocent shoulder touch, but the phalanges were sharper, like claws. "Heya, kiddo. Ya...havin' fun?" I turned and saw Sans with Farm holding his hand. I shook my head, smiling a little. "It's really loud and I kinda wish I'd stayed with Aliza and Paps..." Sans beamed, his grip tightening slightly. "We were thinkin' tha same thing! We can give ya a shortcut!"

As I was going to agree, Dust was behind them, pouting. He pushed past them and was at my side. I could tell he was sobering because his blush was dimmer in color. "I wanna *hic* come too!" Sans seemed to immediately deny it, but Farm bumped him slightly. "C'mon, lovebug. Let 'em come." We began walking to my house, the cold abusing my skin. Dust put his jacket on me, causing a light blush to come to my cheeks. We reached my house, where I unlocked the door and peeked inside.

Aliza and Papyrus had fallen asleep together on the couch watching on of Mettaton's episodes. I smile fondly, remembering how close I had gotten with the rusting robot. I led Farm and Sans to the guest room while heading to my room with Dust in tow. After he laid down for a while, he stopped hiccupping. "(Y-Y/N)?" "Hm?" I said, turning towards him from my desk. He was blushing again, his cheeks purple. "C-Can we...kiss again? A-And cuddle?" I let out a sigh of contentment and made my way to the bed.

Laying down beside him, we looked at each other before he wrapped me in his arms. His eyes were so much prettier up close, where I could see the imperfection in circles of his eye lights. In all honestly, I thought they were even more beautiful then. The small gap between us closed as we kissed. It was an innocent kiss, just showing how much we cared for each other. We pulled away before kissing once more, making me chuckle a little.

We got into a more comfortable position, holding each other close. "You know, (Y/N)?" "No, not if you don't tell me, silly." He sighed, making me laugh a bit. "I'm glad we met. You've made me the happiest I've been in years. I can't even remember the last time I had romantic feelings for someone- much less someone reciprocating." "That's because we're meant to be together, you numbskull. Goodnight, Dusty." "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Date: 10/30/22 02:35

Word Count: 1030

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