~(Y/N)'s POV~
I smiled and started walking out of the room, turning back to see Dust had put his hood up again. We walked down the stairs and heard Sans and Aliza in the kitchen. "SAAAAANS!" "Oops, sorry kid." "YOU'RE SO NOT SORRY!" I peeked in and saw Aliza covered in flower, while Sans was just laughing. "They're loud..," Dust said, making me jump a bit. I walked in and ruffled Aliza's flour covered hair. "You're a klutz." "No, it was Sans!" I turned to Sans, trying not to laugh. "Was it you?"
"...nope." "LIAR!" Aliza pouted and sat down on the floor, cross legged. "C'mon, kiddo, don't go gettin' all pouty about it. Ya can take a shower later. Fer now...ya gotta help me bake." Aliza huffed but got back up and washed her hands. "Only cuz I want food..." I snickered and leaned on the counter. "Sans, look at who I got to get out of your room." Sans paused before whipping his head towards the door. He seemed genuinely shocked Dust was out here. "Ya...how'd ya do it?!"
Sans grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me up a bit to meet his eye. "I...asked nicely?" A mix of anger and confusion crossed his face before he sighed and let me go. The hell was up with him. "You...good, man?" "Well, it takes hours o' me askin' him fer him ta do anythin'. It's jus...weird." I shrugged and opened the fridge, getting an energy drink. "I'm weird, so it kinda cancels out. Kinda." I popped the tab and took a sip. Niiiiice.
"...um..." Dust's voice once again spooked me and I almost spit my drink out. "Jesus fucking Christ, Dust! You scared the shit out of me!" Dust seemed to pull his face back further into the hood. "...sorry." I smiled and rubbed his shoulder, making his eyes much more visible. "Don't worry about it! Aliza does it all the time. She walks silently and it's borderline creepy." Aliza giggled nervously from across the kitchen. Dust's eyes portrayed a smile. I think.
"Well, are ya two gonna talk or what? (Y/N), wash up an' come help me." The idea of leaving Dust and Aliza to their own devices didn't sit well with me. He may be nicer to me, but he hates humans. Aliza's a human...you catch my drift. Nonetheless, the two walked into the living room, leaving Sans and I alone. "...I cant tell yer nervous," Sans said, suddenly next to me. "Yeah, I...he hates humans, how am I supposed to stay calm?" Sans offered a smile and gestured loosely to the counter. "Ya could bake with me?"
~Dust's POV~
I sat on the couch and watched the human sit on the floor in front of me. Their eyes were obscured by their bangs. "...so, um...my name's Aliza...uh..," she started, but went quiet. "...Dust." Aliza gave a small smile and nodded, but she was shaking. Can't blame her, I'm a mass murderer. It was awkward silence for a while. "Hey, don't worry 'bout bein' too talkative," Horror said, walking out. I noticed blood on his hands. I thought he was baking.
As bad as I felt, I ended up ditching Aliza and going into the kitchen. (Y/N) was standing with their back to me. I saw them raise up a knife with blood before bringing it down. Red squirted out all over the walls and presumably them as well. They brought the knife back up, and down again. Over, and over. When they finally noticed I was there, they turned around. Their face was splatted with red, as was their shirt. They stuck their tongue out and licked the red off their cheek.
I felt my Soul beat harder in my chest. The sight of them so absentmindedly licking blood sent shivers of arousal down my spine. Then again, that's kinda fucking weird. But...hot??? I don't know, but the fact they smirked afterwards caused heat to rush down towards my pelvic bone. Or rather, what was attached to it. They wiped their face with their sleeve, smearing it further. "I know I'm hot, but there's no need to gawk, Dust," they said, their hand touching my jaw and pushing it up. Was I just staring at them with my mouth open?
It wasn't long before (Y/N) and Horror were back in the kitchen, talking like everything was normal and (Y/N) hadn't just hacked up...wait, what? They were stabbing a red food dye bottle. "Ya stabbed it? Jeez, kid-" "There was no way to get it out any further! At least you got the damn color!" (Y/N) said, crossing their arms. Horror took the bottle and carefully started pouring the viscous liquid into a metal mixing bowl. (Y/N) was standing behind them, a satisfied smirk on their face. "Told you~" "Shut it, ya nerd."
(Y/N) and Horror went back and forth, but my mind was still stuck up on their face. The bloodthirst in their eyes, the red splatter, their tongue...it continued to make my face and body grow hotter. They had no idea the effect they had on me. I pulled my hood tighter around my head to hide my purple face. "Dust, ya good?" Horror said. I looked and made sure (Y/N) wasn't in the room. "Mhm...yeah..." "I don't believe that for a goddamn second, ya ass, C'mon, talk to me."
I shrugged and started walking off, but walked right into (Y/N). I heard a small crack and looked at them. Their nose was dripping blood and they seemed to be tearing up. "Big boney ass, watch it next time..," they said, their voice more nasally than before. Horror quickly came over with titled their head up, revealing yet another scar on their neck. Where Papyrus...no, not at all related. "Yer lucky it's not super broken. Ya need to keep yer head up, okay?"
I turned back and saw (Y/N)'s tears had stopped, but they still looked in pain. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a cloth, soaking in in cold water and handing it to them. "Put it on your nose...it'll help with the pain and swelling." (Y/N)'s eyes lit up and they smiled. I felt my SOUL pounding again. They seemed so sweet and happy..."Thanks, Dust. You're a real nice guy, you know?" ...ah shit.
Hey. So uh. I'm sick. I may sleep more than write this week, or until I get better. @Lunawolf34 helped a bit with this chapter, so thank you to her! Also, if you simp for any of the Bad Guys (which you do, you're reading a Dust X Reader book) check out her book, Show No Fear. There are very horny skel moments, so warning
Date: 10/03/22 20:14
Word Count: 1109

Murderous Desire {Dust x Reader}
FanfictionAfter a close friend of (Y/N)'s introduces them to their 'Skunkles', they quickly hit it off due to their mutual distrust of humans and disdain of humanity. This...Skunkle then introduces our dear protagonist to a group of his closest friends, one o...