Game Night

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

As soon as Killer left, we all sat on the floor around the end table near the couch. I wondered why no one had gone to get the games until Cross spoke. "So, pick a game. That's not Uno, Monopoly, or Twister." I was almost immediately confused before picking Spades, to which Sans got up and just- left? I shot Cross a questioning look, which caused him to smile and chuckle a little. "Well, everyone gets to pick a game for us to play- so we had to get yours! I'm glad its not fucking Parcheesi for once-" "Killer picks Parcheesi?" I asked, both amused and confused.

Cross nodded, mumbling about Killer being an absolute dipshit. Dust just rolled his eyelights. "Cross always loses, that's why he hates the stupid game- Killer and Horror only ever win, and Horror doesn't even know how to play." "NONE of us know how to play! It's a stupid, stupid game!" Cross crossed (heheh) his arms and pouted. Ah yes, what a mature skeleton. "Well, I mean, the game's not too hard if you have a basic understanding." Cross just whined and rolled his eyelights, continuing to mumble under his breath.

Sans was soon back with the games, smiling and sitting on the floor by Dust. He brought out the first game- Uno. We had already agreed to kick each others' asses beforehand, so this was going to be...something?? I wasn't sure how competitive or angry any of these severely traumatized men could get, so it was minorly like walking on eggshells. I never doubted for a moment I was safe, but I honestly couldn't say the same for the house. Or the tv. Or the windows.

It wasn't long into the first game that I got a grip on everyone's playing style. Dust was aggressive and used all his aggressive cards- like +2's and skips- immediately. He seemed to just be spiting everyone and everything instead of actually thinking anything through. pretty in character for him. Sans, on the exact opposite side of the spectrum, hoarded all his cards and preferred to draw than use the cards he had. Cross was right in the middle- using his attack cards and saving them up to really fuck someone over.

Cross easily won the first game, but Sans managed to take the second. I got the third, and right after Cross took the fourth, Dust got up and threw his cards. "Oh, fuck all of you! This game is stupid as shit! Stupid fucking card game- stupid rules- stupid- s-stupid-" Cross chuckled, but Sans suggested we play another game and instead move onto Monopoly.

The game was still a bit hard for me to understand, but as we played for longer, I slowly got the hang of it. Dust was pretty pissed off still, but he seemed a bit calmer at the beginning of this game versus the end of the last one. Although I was pretty bad, I didn't come in last. No, that honor was reserved for my lovely boyfriend. He lost bad, going bankrupt at about halfway through. It wasn't long before I had to go bankrupt, Cross following almost immediately after. Although it was a narrow win, Sans was still very proud of himself.

The next game was Twister- Cross's game. Sans had to sit out and instead spun the spinner for us. He had a lot of physical limits and wasn't able to twist and contort at all. His bones, while thick, were cracked and scarred. One wrong move could leave him with a broken arm. Cross said as much as Dust helped Sans set up. Apparently it was the first time they bought the game, and Sans's left fibula cracked badly. To this day, Sans will never attempt a backbend again.

The game started great, but soon enough, the hilarity ensued. Dust seemed to effortlessly do a handstand while I was struggling a bit more. I was facing up with my legs on a red and blue right next to each other. I then needed my left hand on green and ended up doing an awkward back bend. Cross's right foot was on a red, but his left had to go on yellow. so he was effectively about to t-bag me. His face flushed purple as he stood over me, scratching his neck shyly.

"S-Sorry about this, (Y/N-)." "No worries, it's a great view. Hell, if I ask nice, I can even get a lollipop~," I teased, both of us snickering. Sans even chuckled. Dust didn't seem to find it funny, though. He just silently continued twisting and moving his body as per the instructions. I ended up winning, and only because Cross had to sneeze and instinctively moved to block it with his elbow. I was pretty happy about my first win of the night- even Sans and Cross congratulated me! Dust, though? He just glared and sat on the couch, playing with the end of his scarf.

We all sat back and relaxed, catching out breaths from stretching and twisting. Well, Sans was putting the game away, but otherwise, we were resting. Dust had gone mostly silent, even ignoring us when we tried to talk with him. "He's jus' poutin' cuz he keeps losin'..," Sans said when he returned, Papyrus in his shadow. He waved and smiled brightly at me. "WELL HELLO, (Y/N)! YOU LOOK QUITE NICE TODAY! YOUR HUMAN SKIN IS RADIANT!" I smiled and chuckled, a bit awkwardly. He said it in such a...creepy way?

"Thaaaaaanks, Papyrus. Your bones are also looking quite radiant." The skeleton's sharp jawbones tinted red as he mumbled about snacks and sped to the kitchen. I watched him before turning to Sans and giving him a questioning look. "Sooo...what the fuck was that about?" He shrugged, his hands going to his pockets. "He likes compliments." Cross leaned back against the couch. "Well, he's one damn good cook. You too, Horror." As Papyrus's own cheeks had turned red, Sans's seemed to as well. He stuttered out some form of a thank you, which was quite cute.

After Papyrus had come back from the kitchen, maybe 10 minutes later, we were already shuffling cards. Dust went outside to smoke, so we were one player short to do doubles. He set down some sandwiches, which only prompted Sans to make a pun. "Yer so nice, makin' us Sanswiches." "UGH, BROTHER! WHY MUST YOU RUIN FOOD?!" Cross and I chuckled, which seemed to keep the two from arguing. I pondered for a moment...

"Papyrus, do you want to join us for Spades? I'm sure Sans wouldn't mind teaching you." He accepted instantly, sitting diagonal to his brother. I took my seat by Papyrus and Cross sat by Sans. The game was off to a great start! Papyrus slipped up and ended up asking me for some help, to which I didn't hesitate. After all, he's fucking adorable! Like, look at this big goofball. He's like a big stupid puppy who slobbers and chews things, but damnit, he's too cute to be mad at, no matter how many new phone chargers you have to buy.

After a few games, Papyrus and Sans finally won, to which the taller skeleton said it was now, finally "Worth his time". He got to setting up his bed, saying something about needing to make sure it was "Human compatible." I was now worried what sort of things Papyrus deemed non-human compatible and how deadly they were. I was taken from my thoughts via a text. "come outside. dust." I rolled my eyes at his lack of any damn context whatsoever, but got up to go see him anyway.

He was leaning against the front porch railing, a cigarette pinched between his thumb and forefinger. He didn't look over as I left the house, or as I called his name. "Dust? Did you need something?" He was silent for a few moments, before bringing the cigarette to his teeth and taking a long drag, holding the smoke before blowing it out to the side away from me. Huh, so he does have manners. Sometimes. "I'm pissed." "Why?" "Because- Because you and Cross have been- been doing that shit all night!" 

He turned to me, his eyes glowing slightly in the dark light. It was clear he was less angry than he attempted to project, but I didn't dare point it out. He looked down before turning back to facing the balcony. "I...I didn't mean to make you jealous, you know. Cross didn't either- we're just getting to be good friends. That's all, Dust." He scoffed, his tone dropping to something much quieter. "So...So do you wanna...kiss or something?"

Yay~! I updated a chapter for this book- finally. I've been working on it for a while, and I'm super happy with how it turned out! I hope it was worth the wait!

Date: 7/22/23 0145

Word Count: 1473

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